Project Design Milestones

Project Completion Milestones

  1. Generate an excel sheet listing factors for each outfall
  2. Complete ArcGIS assessment of the site-use this to determine watershed area, curve number, soil composition
  3. Client Meeting to finalize site
  4. Review of property line boundaries
  5. Determine Cuts from the topography map
  6. Complete hydrological analysis
  7. Client review of preliminary documents
  8. Determine the proper plants and flow patterns to implement in the wetland
  9. submit a cost and maintenance plan to the client for approval
  10. Submission of the complete design package

13 Oct. 2017

20 Oct. 2017

27 Oct. 2017

3 Nov. 2017

10 Nov. 2017

17 Nov. 2017

24 Nov. 2017

1 Dec. 2017

8 Dec. 2017

Milestone Completion Overview

  1. The team organized and utilized data provided by Carmen Agouridis, Ph.D. compiled from The Stagnum Team, in order to clearly narrow down a possible wetland location. The data provided an indication of the nitrogen, ammonia, and dissolved oxygen levels present throughout the lake.
  2. Using data layers provided by United States Geological Survey, watershed areas surrounding the lake were determined at each outfall (outfalls determined by Stantec). Using the watershed which corresponded best with the data organized in milestone 1, a site was determined and curve number was calculated.
  3. After the team narrowed down a list of potential sites, with appropriate justification the client, Carmen Agouridis, Ph.D., was met with to approve the location and give further details of what was expected.
  4. Once the site was approved by the client, the property lines were reviewed in order to determine where the wetland could potentially be placed. Using the Fayette Property Valuation Administrator website the property lines were established.
  5. Through the topography maps of the location, cuts were created to determine the delineation of the site.
  6. Using the curve number established from milestone 2, along with the data from a 1 year, 24 hour storm a hydrological analysis was conducted (table )
  7. A second client meeting was conducted to review the steps the team had taken up to this point.
  8. Through Behrend's et. al 2010 research on wetland vegetation the team narrowed down three must have plants to include in the wetland for the most nitrogen and phosphorous uptake: cattail, common reed, and yellow iris.
  9. Utilizing the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet for Free Surface Wetlands a cost proportion was created and submitted for approval.
  10. Compiling all of the data from each milestone, a design package was created.