Budget Considerations

Cost Breakdown

The total projected budget for this design will be $960,000. However, the yearly price will be much lower. This is because the excavation, growth media, plants, planting, legal fees, and site investigation will all be one time payments. Following the first year, the wetland will require a yearly budget of around $13,600 for cleaning and basic maintenance. As can be seen from the following budget table, having the site excavated and purchasing growth media will require the majority of our budget.

Figure 14 provides details as to where the project budget will be allocated.

How does it compare?

A "pump and treat" system with a flow rate of 15GPM will cost approximately $8,000. With a lake this size, the pump would have to run continuously in order to keep the lake free from algal blooms. This would require constant maintenance of the pump and filters, increasing the cost even further. This being said, the group has determined that a constructed wetland is a better treatment option for this area. The wetland operates constantly, provides valuable habitats for wildlife, enhances the aesthetic appeal of the area, and will save the community money.