Other MTB Races and Events

The NICA race season consists of a maximum of five races for high school riders and only three races for our Junior Devos.  That means you work all summer for  the chance to only race 3-5 times!  We put this list together to make it easier for you to find other opportunities to race, ride, and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!

If you’re looking for something similar to NICA races, we suggest signing up for the ICUP races.  They have categories and distances very similar to NICA races and even use some of the same race courses as NICA.

Looking for something different? The Mid Week MTB Series provide fun racing events for all ages and abilities. Supporting all levels of individual skill-building and mountain biking goals.

Want a longer or bigger challenge?  Consider an endurance event like the Wasatch 50, Eden Epic, or Odyssey.  These are all-day events that will certainly test your stamina, but also leave you with a sense that you completed something truly epic. 


We put this page on here for informational purpose only.  These are non-NICA events and they are not “West Field MTB Team” events.  These are simply fun events that we want you to be aware of.  Finally, be aware that your NICA insurance does not apply to any injuries you may sustain while participating in any of the events listed on this page.