Past Events

April 7th, 2024: Divine Mercy Egg Hunt

On April 7th Our Lady of Guadalupe Students for Life of America hosted a table at Mother Teresa Catholic's Church Divine Mercy Egg Hunt. At our table, we recruited new members for the club, had a fun activity for the children to participate in, and had a few conversations with parishioners about the pro-life movement and how to get involved. 

Spring 2024 40 Days for Life

In the spring of 2024, Our Lady of Guadalupe participated in two 40 Days for Life Campaigns. Students for Life was joined during these prayer vigils by Mother Teresa Catholic Church Respect Life Ministry and Saint Micheal Catholic Church. These two prayer vigils greatly impacted all the people who attended and have inspired us to pray more outside the clinic and work even harder to fight for life.

March 16th, 2024: March Business Meetings

On March 16th we held a business meeting were we heard from JT Kilmek, a member of the Pro-Life Triangle Younge Adult group. JT taught members of the club how to successfully debate with pro-choicers, and after hearing from him members got a chance to practice what they learned in mock debates. After debating, Lucy presented on Lile Rose's fighting for life and we went over some upcoming events.  

February 20th, 2024: Tabeling at NCSU

On February 20th members of Our Lady of Guadalupe SFLA and NCSU SFLA tabled in the Tally Student Union. We were able to have many great conversations with the students at the school and were even able change some minds! 

February 11th, 2024: Love Them Both Valentine's Day Bake Sale 

On February 11th members of Our Lady of Guadalupe Students for Life of America hosted a Valentine's Day Bake Sale at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Raleigh. At this fundraiser, we raised over $700! We will use this money to help sponsor upcoming service projects, education events, and political campaigns. Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this event a success! 

February 4th, 2024: Room at the Inn Tour

On February 4th members of Our Lady of Guadalupe Students for Life went to visit Room at the Inn in Greensboro, NC. While on the tour we were able to see their maternity home, where they can house up to six women and four children at a time. We also got to learn about their program for the women who live there, which helps the mothers develop themselves professionally so that they can support themselves and their children when they leave the home and also helps them grow deeper in their faith. Room at the Inn also shared with us information about their capital campaign and their hopes to build a bigger building to support more families. After the tour, we went out to lunch with our regional coordinator, Alicia Foreman. 

National March for Life and Pro-Life Summit 2024 

In January 2024 students from Students for Life West Cary went to the National March for Life and Pro-Life Summit. At the March and Summit members were able to hear from a member of different pro-life leaders who inspired us to come back to North Carolina and fight even harder for the pro-life cause. 

December 16th, 2023: Christmas party

On December 16th members of West Cary SFLA gathered to celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day and Christmas! We decorated gingerbread houses, had a white elephant, and played Kahoot. Thank you so much everyone for joining us! 

December 1st, 2023: December Business Meeting 

On November 17th members of SFLA West Cary met for our monthly social for our monthly business meeting. We started the meeting by hearing from Alicia Foreman, regional director for Students for Life of America, who spoke on embracing controversy. Alicia talked to us about what controversy was, the difference between good and bad controversy, and how to embrace it while fighting for the lives of the unborn. After hearing from Alicia, Lucy led the club in a discussion of the book we are reading, Fighting for Life by Lila Rose, and we concluded the night by having Ice Cream Sundaes. 

November 17th, 2023: Bonfire Social  

On November 17th members of SFLA West Cary met for our monthly social at the Brinkey's house. We started this event by making gift bags for the mothers that visit Birthchoice, then roasted hot dogs, made s'mores, and played a round of capture the flag. 

November 11th, 2023: November Business Meeting 

On November 11th we met virtually for our monthly business meeting. At this meeting, we talked about Ohio Issue No.1 and what it meant for the future of the pro-life movement, looked into a common pro-choice argument, planned for future service and social events, and played two rounds of pro-life Kahoot! for prizes. 

October 29th, 2023: Pumpkin Patch for Life

On October 29th the Pumpkin Patch for Life was hosted at Mother Teresa Catholic church and was planned and run by members of SFLA West Cary. We began this event by reading the Pumpkin Patch Parable, by Liz Curtis. After reading this book we talked about the importance of life at all stages. Just like a farmer spends many months caring for his pumpkin and waiting for it to grow, God also patiently waits for us and loves us while we are forming in our mother's womb. We also talked about how loved and important every life is, not only to God but also to their church community. After reading the pumpkin patch parable, we played many games, including giant bowling and shooting the ducks, made pumpkin masks and colored pumpkin coloring pages, and prayed a decade of the rosary for the respect life cause and all expecting mothers.

October Baby Bottle Drives 2023

During the month of October, members of West Cary SFLA ran two baby bottle drives to support Birthchoice. Birthcoice is a non-profit organization that offers free pregnancy resources and counseling to pregnant women. Elizabeth Brinkley ran a baby bottle drive at St. Joseph's catholic church and raised $1160. Charlotte Swannack ran a baby bottle drive at Mother Teresa Catholic Church, which raised $5056. We are so grateful for everyone who helped make this drive a success. 

October 14th, 2023: October Business Meeting 

On October 14th members of West Cary SFLA gathered for their monthly business meeting. We started this meeting by meditating on Jeremiah 1:4-10 and prayed the rosary for the respect life cause. After praying Lucy Ruebach presented on Roberts Rules, followed by a presentation by Charlotte Swannack on "How to Defend your Pro-Life Views in Five Minutes." The club finished their meeting by planning for November's upcoming social and business meeting.  

October 12th, 2023: Jeanne Mancini Presentation on "World After Dobbs"

The members of SFLA West Cary were so blessed to have Jeanne Mancini speak to them at Mother Teresa Catholic Church. Our members had the privilege of praying the rosary for life, attending mass, and hearing from Jeanne Mancini. 

Mancini started by talking about three truly incredible saints, Gianna Molla, Pope John Paul II, and Mother Teresa, and how all three of the saints showed an incredible amount of love for their neighbor.

Mancini then went on to talk about the three ways in which we are able to shape the culture of life. The first thing she said to do was pray. The second is to listen and to hear God's voice, as it is only through listening to him that we will be successful in ending abortion. Finally, we must follow the call of the holy spirit. It is only through doing these things that we will end the culture of death. 

 September 30th, 2023: Bowling at Buffalo Lanes

On September 30th members of West Cary's SFLA met for their first social of the year! Members got together for a few rounds of bowling and socializing. 

Respect Life Flags 2023

On the last week of September members of West Cary SFLA help Mother Teresa Catholic Church and St. Micheals Catholic church set up their flags for Respect Life Month. We set up 2,400 at each church which represents the 2,400 lives lost each day to abortion. 

September 16th, 2023: Business Meeting

On September 16th, we had our first business meeting, and it was a success! At the meeting, we talked about the Students for Life of America organization, what it means to be a pro-life teen, and the significance of Our Lady of Guadalupe.