Things You Should Know

Meeting Location?

We will be meeting in multiple different places depending on the event.  Make sure to check our calendar and/or email our president to find details.

Who's Invited?

Our club is for anyone supporting the pro-life movement from grades 8 to 12. 

Snapping Photos?

Our photographer will be taking pictures (and occasional short videos) throughout our events.  Just giving you a quick heads-up.

     Where Are They Going?

       Photos taken at meetings, events, and activities will most likely wind up on our website.  Absolutely NONE of the photos will be posted on the personal social media accounts of any members of our team without consent.  We are very concerned with the safety of our club members.

     What Are The Rules? (Regarding Photos)

     ▪️  group pictures

     ▪️ selfies

     ▪️ personal pictures with friends in the group

   But please do not post these images on personal social media without the consent of the people included in such photos.


Let's All Stay A Team!

We want to keep a safe and friendly environment for all of our group participants.  We want this to be a place to make new friends as well as learn how to defend the right to life.  In order for us to do this, there are a few things everyone should keep in mind.

     Kindness Is Key

           Remember to always be kind to everyone in the group.  Let us not forget that we are all working for the same cause.  We are NOT going to make each other enemies.

     Don't Be Judgmental

            Our SFLA group should be a safe space for everyone.  That being said, please do not pass poor judgment on another person.  Please refrain from openly judging or gossiping about another individual.  Be sure that if you do not want personal information about yourself being circulated within the club, please do not share or over-share information.

     Agree To Disagree

          Fighting is not encouraged at our club.  If a disagreement arises, please remain calm and work out issues respectfully.  If fighting among club members occurs, feel free to get one of the leaders or higher-ups involved so they can break up any tense arguments.  If debating occurs, you are welcome to make your opinion know but please do so with charity and respect.

     Hands Off

            Everyone has their own comfort zone and boundaries.  Although we encourage fellowship with one another, we also encourage personal space.  If a club member is making any person uncomfortable by:

please let a leader know so that the matter can be handled.  Our members are important to us and we need them to be safe.

     Bad Behavior

            Please refrain from any of the following: