Wellsboro Monthly Meeting

of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Wellsboro Friends Meeting ascribes to the principles and testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).  We are part of the Upper Susquehanna Quarterly Meeting, which in turn is part of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and Friends General Conference.

Stemming from their core principles, Friends are generally very active in the community working on Peace, Social Justice, and Environmental concerns. Worship services are now being held in the community center of St. James Episcopal Church Mansfield, PA on the 2nd and 4th First Day (sunday) of each month at 10 am. On opposite First Days Friends generally worship via Zoom with other Quaker groups. Once a month Meeting holds adult ed./worship-sharing also via zoom (see list of events). Religious services are unlike the traditional church arrangement. Worship follows the unprogrammed, primarily silent format. Dress is casual and Everyone is welcome to attend.