“As we work to combat the spread of COVID-19, access to resources that can help support families and businesses in this time of need is critical. It is important to be informed, get engaged, and support organizations doing important work to keep our communities safe and healthy. We will get through this together.”

- Steve Cox, Mayor

​​The purpose of this site is to provide community specific information for dealing with the challenges of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Boulder. A community group has been identified to help address the various issues created. This group is headed up by Mayor Cox. Boulder Community Alliance is providing information to support local businesses and assist with the health and wellness of the community. Boulder Skills Foundation is focusing on food security. The LDS Church has created a community phone tree to ensure all residents have regular contact about needs.

From: Steve Cox <scox7550@gmail.com>

Date sent: Fri, 30 Apr 2021 07:41:25 -0600

Subject: Pegboard: Vaccines

For those people who received their first Moderna vaccination in Boulder on April 15th, you can get your second shot at the Escalante Clinic on May 13th. Call 435 826-4374 to make an appointment. Let them know you had your first shot in Boulder. Thanks to you all!

From: Steve Cox <scox7550@gmail.com>

Date sent: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 14:44:20 -0600

Subject: Pegboard: Vaccine Clinic Update

The Southwest Utah Health Department has just added more signup slots for the single dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine. If you are interested in signing up for a vaccine, either the 2nd dose of Moderna or the single dose Johnson and Johnson, you can do it on the following link. Your 2nd dose of Moderna must be 26-28 days since your first. The clinic is scheduled for Thursday, April 15th from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. The website has consent forms to print out and bring with you. If you have any problems or questions, email or call. Thanks

Mobile: Boulder Community COVID vaccine clinic (signupgenius.com)

------- Forwarded message follows -------

From: Steve Cox <scox7550@gmail.com>

Date sent: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 17:26:09 -0600

Subject: Pegboard: Vaccine Link

There have been some problems with the link previously sent out for the upcoming vaccination clinic in Boulder. If you are interested in signing up for a vaccine, either the 2nd dose of Moderna or the single dose Johnson and Johnson, you can do it here. Your 2nd dose of Moderna must be 26-28 days since your first. The clinic is scheduled for Thursday, April 15th from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. The website has consent forms to print out and bring with you. If you have any problems or questions, email or call. Thanks

Mobile: Boulder Community COVID vaccine clinic (signupgenius.com)

------- Forwarded message follows -------

From: Steve Cox <scox7550@gmail.com>

Date sent: Mon, 29 Mar 2021 16:21:45 -0600

Subject: Pegboard: Vaccination Clinic

The Southwest Utah Public Health Department is planning to bring their

mobile COVID-19 vaccination team to Boulder on Thursday, April 15th,

from 11:00 am -1:00 pm, at the Community Center.

Moderna 2nd shots will be given to those who received their 1st shot

at least 28 days before April 15th. Johnson and Johnson one dose shots

will be given to those who have not been vaccinated. This will be

their only visit to Boulder.

I will send out a link to sign up as soon as they send it to me. Due

to the perishable nature of the vaccine, you must be signed up to

receive a shot. If you have any questions contact me.

------- Forwarded message follows -------

From: Steve Cox <scox7550@gmail.com>

Date sent: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 10:18:30 -0700

Subject: Fwd: Vaccines

Here is a notice from Tammy Barton. It is now open for 65-69. Can you get this info out on pegboard? Thanks

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tammy Barton <tammyjobarton@yahoo.com>

Date: February 18, 2021 at 10:15:16 AM MST

To: Steve Cox <scox7550@gmail.com>

Subject: Re: Vaccines

The governor opened up the next tier. They can get signed up for next Monday, the 22. If they need help they can call me.

------- Forwarded message follows -------

From: Steve Cox <scox7550@gmail.com>

Date sent: Mon, 9 Nov 2020 10:39:30 -0700

Subject: Pegboard: Coronavirus Update

Hi Everyone,

Last night, the Governor issued an emergency order to tackle COVID-19 and urged us to do our part to reduce the unsustainable and concerning spread of COVID-19 and the impact on our health care system. The following website gives specific information on the order:


The key takeaways from the announcement are:

  1. Implementing a statewide mask mandate (the Dept. of Labor may fine businesses who don’t comply with the mandate)

  2. Exercising more caution when socializing with people who are not part of our immediate household (organizers of mass events that don’t comply with the mandate may face fines of up to $10,000)

  3. Postponing all sports and extra-curricular activities (with some narrow exceptions), including city recreation, for two weeks

  4. Expanding testing, particularly for individuals aged 15-24 who have the highest rate of spread. The testing will occur weekly for university students and will expand for people under age 35 and for high school teachers. The National Guard will assist with contact tracing.

  5. This order does not shut down businesses or the economy because such a shutdown is unwarranted and unnecessary. Instead, the order is to urge us to be more vigilant in our individual actions. No order can mandate civility, respect, and basic consideration so we collectively need to make the necessary sacrifices to save lives and protect our health.

  6. The Governor said he would soon address best practices for gatherings during the upcoming holidays and expressed optimism that a vaccine would be available soon.

The Governor emphasized that for the next two weeks, an individual may only attend a social gathering if the gathering has an event host or occurs at a business and the individual complies with mask and distancing requirements. An event host is a person who owns, operates, provides facilities for, or has formal oversight where a social gathering occurs. The intent is to limit casual social gatherings which have been a major driver of recent COVID-19 case counts.

Garfield County

Garfield County continues to be in the High Transmission Rate category with 7 new cases (127 total); 72 recovered, 5 deaths, 50 active cases (HIGH)


Boulder Town

The Town Council voted last Thursday to install an air purification system in the Community Center to help combat the spread of Covid. It should be installed in early December. Boulder Elementary is installing a similar system. They currently have a portable system and classes have now moved indoors for most activities.

In addition, local businesses should receive a letter announcing a Business Support Grant Program funded with CARES Act money Boulder received from the state. Applications are due November 16th. Contact Peg Smith if your business did not receive the letter.

Boulder Community Gallery

You can visit the new exhibit "Utah Women Making History" each Monday from 11-1 until the exhibit closes on December 15th. You must wear a mask and the number of visitors may be limited. If you need a different time to see the exhibit, please contact an Arts Council board member.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!


Steve Cox

PO Box 1448

Boulder, Utah 84716

435 335-7550


Hi Everyone,

It was a wild Memorial Day weekend with all the tourists descending upon us. It was very obvious that people felt the need to get out of doors. With most of the state being in the Yellow Phase (Low Risk), I think people felt a new found freedom for one weekend. Thank you all for your patience and understanding in dealing with our visitors. In particular, thanks to all of the local businesses for either remaining closed or partially opening with the proper protocols, in order to protect your employees and our community. Please continue to support all our businesses as they get back on their feet.

The next couple of weeks will tell the story of what this weekend meant to our rural communities in terms of coronavirus cases. In the meantime continue to maintain physical distancing of 6 feet and wear face masks when in public places. If you need a mask remember you can call Cheryl 7550, Shauna 7383 or Devaki 7606. Also if you experience symptoms of Covid-19, you can call our local clinics and get advice on testing. These websites will also give you the information you need:

Southwest Utah Public Health Department: https://swuhealth.org/covid/

State of Utah : https://coronavirus.utah.gov

Garfield County: https://www.garfield.utah.gov/departments/coronavirus-updates/-fsiteid- 1


Our hero this week is Pam Furches. Pam has organized and set up weekly Zoom meetings for the Boulder Coronavirus Response Team. She has worked to make sure every business is getting updated information on loan and grant programs, acquisition of PPE, and bridge funding through Boulder Community Alliance. Pam has also been one of our contacts with the Boulder Skills Foundation to get residents help with gardens and food security. Her great attitude and work ethic have been inspirational.

Boulder Town

We will continue to hold our Town Council and Planning Commission meetings on Zoom during the Yellow Phase. Look for notices and Pegboards of how you can join in by internet or phone.

Boulder Mountain Lodge

Boulder Mountain Lodge will be reopening on Friday, May 29th. We are taking every precaution to make sure our staff, guests and community stay safe. We have carefully reviewed CDC guidelines, information from some of the top medical schools, and best practices from hotels throughout the nation. We are using the same disinfectant used by University of Utah Healthcare. Some of the many changes we are making include installing a Plexiglas barrier at the front desk, requiring staff and encouraging guests to wear face coverings, removing many items from our guest rooms, disinfecting high touch areas frequently, and limiting the number of guests in common areas. Only one (or two people if in the same group) will be allowed in our gift shop at a time and they will be required to wear masks and gloves. We are also temporarily closing public restrooms and the hot tub. We will not allow the use of our massage chairs, games, DVD’s, etc. We are also reducing occupancy as another safety measure. If anyone in the community has concerns, they are welcome to contact me.

Susan Heaton, Operations Manager 435-335-7460 susan@boulder-utah.com

Hell's Backbone Grill &Farm

We are in the final stages of the many months of kitchen renovation that the lodge is doing on our building. Once the kitchen upgrade is complete, we will be opening up for take-out and BML room service. We have been deep in the process of redesigning our restaurant model for the time of pandemic, and hope to start offering patio dining at some point in June. We will not be taking reservations for 2020 but rather doing a “first come first serve” style of seating for our outdoor tables.

In the meantime, we have expanded our online store with new mixes, pickles, jams, crackers, and much more, even instant baking yeast! You can order online ( https://hellsbackbonegrill.com/shop) and choose the pick-up option. We will put your order on the stand in front of the restaurant at your designated pick-up time....

Thanks for your support and stay safe everyone.

Boulder Community Market

Local Offerings this week:

Red House Farm is keeping the farmstand stocked with Fresh Organic Seasonal Greens, Squash Rolls, High Desert Wheat Bread, and sometimes other surprises!


House of Aromatics featuring artisan distilled essential oils & hydrosols of the Colorado Plateau and hand crafted soap by the Pioneer Soap Company. Locals pricing.


Indigo pickles is offering this week:

Curry pickled beets

Indian spiced beet kimchi

Indian spiced pickled cauliflower

Contact Lacy via text (619) 616-8671 or email: ladylove1141@yahoo.com


Night Raven Wild and Organic Herbs

with a full array of luscious creams, salves, tinctures, teas, powders and herbal honey

seasonal specials include:

Allergy Relief Tea and Sun harmonizing cream

all items priced for locals

please email: constancelynn@gmail.com for a complete listing of offerings


Boulder Bread (Karen DeBonis) is doing Locals’Day on Thursdays at the wood oven as well as continuing with Saturdays. To order, sign up for the weekly email by filling out this form , or just by emailing Karen & she’ll get you on the list. There will be one email at the beginning of each week describing the bake schedule for the week and the breads and pastries available for Thursday/Saturday pickup.

Hills and Hollows Pizza

We are excited to add in a weeknight dinner option for locals: Pizza Night is back! They'll be most Wednesday nights, To-Go only, and sadly no live music or hanging out (not yet). Yes, we will take orders by phone and all orders will be to-go. I bought real pizza boxes and everything! Tonight, Wednesday 5/27 is our first one for the year.

How it works:

-Each week's menu will be posted on our facebook page .

-Wednesday starting at 5:30pm , we'll take orders by phone. Call 908-334-0065 to place your order. We'll give you a time estimate of when to come pick up (at the wood oven at Hills &Hollows). Then you pick up your pizza and drive off into the sunset. :)

This week's menu:

Durango: san marzano tomato sauce, ricotta, parmesan, red onion, smoked serrano (spicy) - option to add prosciutto.

Carolina Mountain: pesto, fontina, portobello mushrooms, leeks, sea salt.

The Conrad : pepperoni, hot italian sausage, black olives, green peppers & onion on a base of san marzano tomato sauce & three cheese blend.

Elena's Lighthouse: san marzano tomato sauce, prosciutto, local arugula, shaved parmesan, balsamic reduction.

Margherita : san marzano tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, basil.

New Yorker: san marzano tomato sauce, blend of three cheeses, & pepperoni.

Just Cheese & Sauce: pretty much exactly what it sounds like.

Sweetwater Kitchen

Friday &Saturday 5 - 8pm at SWK Order anytime until we sell out!

Pick-up your order or sit on our outside dining patio or lawn and enjoy the view.

Menu and order website here: https://sweetwater-kitchen.square.site/

Order our gourmet frozen meals anytime. Just dropped off a batch of enchiladas at Hills &Hollows yesterday for convenient pickup!

435 335 7482

This will be my last official weekly update as we transition into re-opening. I will continue to post important information on Pegboard as it becomes available. If you have concerns or questions please contact me. I am proud of the way Boulder has stepped up to the challenges we have faced and I know we will continue to be good neighbors and friends. Thank you!


Steve Cox

PO Box 1448

Boulder, Utah 84716

435 335-7550



This week's hero is Elena Hughes. Elena is helping Boulder have a more sustainable food supply by providing garden consultations and setting up a meat coop. She has done around twenty garden consultations and hopefully you've been reading her pegboard messages on how to join the meat coop. Thank you Elena for all the time and energy you have spent helping Boulder residents.

Utah Coronavirus Task Force

Garfield County and Boulder Town are in Utah's yellow (low-risk) phase. Learn the public health protocols so that we can keep moving in a safe and healthy direction. Download the full flyer here: https://coronavirus.utah.gov/utahs-low-risk-phase/

Check health guidance for your community using the color-coded map on the task force website. It shows the coronavirus risk levels for each part of the state, and links to guidelines.


Covid-19 Updates

Be sure to visit these websites for specific information related to the Covid-19 response:







Garfield County

Due to popular demand Southwest Tech will be holding four more Brad Anderson Training's. As many businesses and attractions begin to open their doors and restrictions are lifted these training will help you and your employees. Topics include:

  • Understand the ROI to reopening our community and your business

  • Discuss the new expectations our visitors and customers will have when doing business with us

  • Exchange and share ideas on COVID "tools" we can introduce into our business

  • Brainstorm appropriate wording that can be used in difficult customer situation

  • Training is for hospitality, retail, and food and beverage workers

Free 1 hour virtual workshops:

Tuesday, May 26 10 am and 3 pm, Thursday, May 28, 10 am and 3 pm

Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/105890736042

Burr Trail Grill

Hey y’all! We are officially up and running! Our hours are currently everyday 11:30-5

CLOSED WEDNESDAYS. We are currently just doing take out and have available (limited) outdoor seating. Hope to see you soon! The BTG crew 435 335-7511

Boulder Mountain Lodge

Guests have been enjoying solitude and social distancing here for decades....Maybe centuries... Join us when we re-open on May 29!

Make your reservations here: https://boulder-utah.com/rooms-and-rates/ Or call us at 435-335-7460. Following CDC guidelines and lodging experts' best practices, we have developed new cleaning and operational protocols with the sole focus of providing you an experience that is safe and trusted.


We will be open:

Tuesday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Thursday 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Friday 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

Saturday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Monday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm

We should have dairy products in. Come stop by!

Burr Trail Outpost

Come visit us at the Burr Trail Outpost. We are open for take out and outside seating. Wednesday - Sunday 9 am - 2 pm.

H&H Bread

Here's the update! Now I'll be baking on both Thursdays and Saturdays weekly . For those who would like to pick up their bread on a day when the Hills & Hollows parking lot is a little bit less of a zoo-- or just, if it works better for your schedule-- then this new weekday bakeday is for you! And so: Thursdays at the bakery shall henceforth be called Locals' Day.

How it’ll work:

I’ll still send out a bake schedule early each week (shooting for Mondays). The products described will be available on both Thursday and Saturday of that week. You can choose for your order to be baked & ready for pickup on either day (or both!). The Thursday pickup will be from 10am-noon, and the Saturday pickup 12- 2pm. karen.m.debonis@gmail.com

Sweetwater Kitchen

Continuing with pickup this weekend at Sweetwater Kitchen, Friday & Saturday 5 - 8pm

*You are welcome to order anytime, until we sell out, there is no cut-off time for ordering*

Order and see menu here: https://sweetwater-kitchen.square.site/

Please choose pick-up time so your food is hot when you arrive. Picnicking on the BMGR lawn welcome!

Griffins Grocery Store

Griffin’s will now be open to the general public from noon to 6 Monday through Friday and noon to 5 on Saturdays.

We want to be as accommodating as we can for anyone that would like to avoid the crowds. You are welcome to come in before we open in the mornings by either calling the store, or leaving a message on here. Please help spread the news to the people in town that might not have Facebook.

Mondays and Thursdays we receive our freight truck and are busy in the morning trying to get the shelves restocked. We might not be able to answer the phone on those days.

Please call ahead with slicing meats and cheeses to give us time to get them sliced.

Also between 1 and 4 are generally the least busy hours of the day. We ask if the parking lot is full, to maybe go run a few errands and try coming back.

Be Safe, Be Healthy, Wear Face Masks and continue to follow Physical Distance guidelines. Thanks


Steve Cox

PO Box 1448

Boulder, Utah 84716

435 335-7550



Our Boulder Community Hero for this week is Devaki Murch. Devaki has helped with Boulder's Covid-19 response by creating a community specific website with information for Boulder about Covid-19. It is welcometoboulder.info and is password protected (friskycreek). She also created an extensive community list that is currently being used to distribute masks. She organized a group of seamstresses to make masks and then found gloves and bags for the distribution. She also has coordinated with Waterpocket Distillery who has donated gallons of sanitizer for the community. Devaki is a great asset to our community with her "get 'er done" attitude. Thank you Devaki.

Town Council Special Meeting

Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Boulder Town Council will be held Wednesday, May 13, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of considering Hell's Backbone Grill's request for the Town to give Local Consent for their application for a Banquet and Catering License issued by the DABC.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 858 8016 2219

Password: 597690

833 548 0282 US Toll-free

877 853 5247 US Toll-free

888 788 0099 US Toll-free

833 548 0276 US Toll-free

Planning Commission Regular Meeting and Public Hearing

Time: May 14, 2020 07:00 PM Mountain Time

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 822 4796 7263

Email Peg Smith for password: femmith@scinternet.net

Toll Free Call in

833 548 0282 US Toll-free

877 853 5247 US Toll-free

888 788 0099 US Toll-free

833 548 0276 US Toll-free

Masks and Sanitizer

We still have community masks & antiseptic available (go needmask.staysafeboulder.com to request a mask or hand antiseptic refill) or contact Devaki 7606, Cheryl 7550, Shauna 7383, Tina 7312. You can also receive a mask through “A Mask for Every Utahn” . This is a state of Utah initiative, in partnership with the Utah Manufacturers Association, to help Utahns who may not have a face mask and are returning to the workplace or going out in public. The mask initiative is for all Utahns. The State will provide one mask to each resident who needs one, and will mail — upon request, once, and free of charge — up to six masks to each Utah mailing address. Additional details are provided below the order form. Questions? mask@utah.gov

Utah Dept of Agriculture and Food Grant

This is a Utah Dept of Ag and Food grant (not a loan) aimed at food producers ranchers. Deadline is May 15, and this is being awarded on a first-come/first-serve basis. Awards from $1 to $40K. This link takes you directly to the page where you can access the application:


Halls Store

We will be open Thursday, May 14 from 3:00 to 7:00 pm! Come stop by!

Boulder Mountain Guest Ranch

Hi From BMGR! We wanted to inform everyone that we are slowly opening our cabins and a couple glamping units. The main lodge, store and SWK dining room will remain closed, along with all other public spaces until further notice. We are treating the units that will be open as an "AirBnb" style rental, completely isolated and self sufficient. Wifi is now available in each unit to alleviate guest interactions. Therefore, the front office will remain closed and there is no physical contact with guests. We are screening guests before arrival and limiting guests to those who are driving, not flying, along with many other restrictions. The units rented will be blocked off for 48 hours after the guests leaves and before any cleaning is done. All of our transactions are online. In addition, we are limiting the amount of guests that stay with us to around 15 guests at one time on property until further notice. We have closed the Ranch to everyone except for those that have a reservation for lodging or food in a effort to monitor who is on property.

We are adhering to the CDC guidelines and have created more of our own to ensure the safety of those working for us, those staying with us and the town. We have been taking extra precautions and an extreme amount of careful planning and execution of our moderate opening, luckily there is a lot of good information out there to help with this re-opening. We have been fortunate enough to have obtained gloves, masks and sanitizers....even Lysol.

All of the staff have been trained for Covid-19 procedures and we all are practicing strict codes for the staff and everyone's safety. The staff has been quarantining and taking all precautions necessary since mid March. All gathering and events have been cancelled until July although we are anticipating that date will be pushed back until the fall or in 2021.

We love this town and safety is of the utmost concern. Know that we are going above and beyond what is required by the CDC, State and county to ensure we are a safe haven.

Sweetwater Kitchen

Pick-up Friday & Saturday 5 - 8pm

See the menu and make an order here: https://sweetwater-kitchen.square.site/

IMPORTANT: please choose the time and day of your pick up as food is prepared for your selected pick-up time. You are welcome to order until we sell out.

Pick up on the east (right) side of the building from 5 - 8pm Friday and Saturday only. Lawn is open for picnicking, bring your own seating or blankets and enjoy the view. Feel free to order our frozen meals anytime you like, you can come to SWK to pick them up or we can arrange a meet up in town.

The Burr Trail Outpost (Thanks Alyssa)

Opening Wednesday, May 13th !

Wednesday - Saturday 11-3

Service will be for take out only and delivery is available.

We are offering sandwiches and a daily lunch special along with assorted bakery items:

Cinnamon Rolls

Chocolate chip cookies

Peanut butter cookies


Blueberry muffins

Morning Glory Muffins

Carrot Cake

Lemon Layer cake

Sweet breads





Sandwich bread- Honey whole wheat -made with fresh ground wheat

Homestyle White

Also available: La Barba coffee retail bags, smoothies, milkshakes, specialty coffee and tea drinks. Please email pre-orders to theoutpostlunchbox@gmail.com or call 435-335-7565 and leave a message.

Hills and Hollows Bakery

This week I am going to dial back a bit on pre-orders in order to have time and bandwidth to do some experimentation. This means I'll have a shorter list of items available for pre-order, but will have a few more things available "a la carte" that you can choose to buy (or not) after seeing them on Saturday.

What you CAN pre-order this week:

sourdough loaves:

-plain sourdough loaf rolled in bran $7

-lavender & honey sourdough $8

-whole wheat & spelt sourdough rolled in oats $8


-english muffins! $1.50 each

-raw pizza dough rounds $3 each

A la carte planned items (these are subject to change):

-ciabatta-style bread

-chocolate chip sourdough cookies


-rye bread experiments, maybe

To be clear, these items may or may not all be available on Saturday- I've been wanting to do some recipe-testing with these, the list represents my hopes & dreams for this coming bake, we'll see how much I actually get done. :)

Please get me your pre-orders by Thursday ~6pm!

Pickup at the oven Saturday, 12-2pm.

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy!


Steve Cox

PO Box 1448

Boulder, Utah 84716

435 335-7550


Hi Everyone,

Here is the latest update;


This week's hero is Elizabeth Julian and not just because it's her birthday and Teacher Appreciation Week but because of the how she has stepped up to teach her students during the soft closure of schools. It may look like not much is happening because school is closed, but Elizabeth creates online lessons each week for all students from kindergarten to 5th grade in all subjects. She has continued with Morning Meeting each day which is a gathering of students where they can connect and share what's going on only now it is a Zoom meeting on the computer. She also meets individually with students throughout the day on Zoom. She guides her other staff to provide lessons, drop off materials, etc. Our Boulder students are lucky to have Elizabeth and we're lucky to have her in our community.

Sanitizer and Masks

Waterpocket Distillery has provided antiseptic in liquid form for Boulder. It is 80% alcohol + glycerine therefore much thinner than the gel-based sanitizers. We are dispensing the antiseptic on Friday, May 8th from noon to 2 pm at the pavilion this time.

Please bring your own container. We will give each person up to 12oz. We suggest you bring a spritzer bottle or a glass jar for refills. Last week we were concerned that the concentration of the antiseptic was strong and should be used sparingly. Yes, it should be used sparingly , and using it to clean off steering wheels and doorknobs would be a good use as well. Sanitizing hands will add to drying out your hands so again sparingly would be the best. The best option for staying safe is to wash your hands. Wash your hands. All the time. Wash. Wash. Wash.

Thank you, Alan and Anna Scott, Waterpocket Distillery for helping to protect our Boulder community from the coronavirus!

We will also have some masks. We will also take orders for more masks if we run out. You can also request masks on the website or call a mask maker to request a mask. Yes, it is strange to wear a mask but it has worked in other parts of the world. Please consider listening to this podcast on the wearing of masks historically. https://www.autodesk.com/redshift/history-of-face-masks/ The audio recorded interview is at the bottom of the webpage. Interesting listening.

Re-Opening Guidelines - SWUPHD

We are still in the Orange (Moderate Risk) Phase. Here are the Southwest Health Department Re-opening Guidelines for different industries, churches, high-risk individuals and the general public.


Bryce Canyon Partially Open

Beginning Wednesday, May 6th Bryce Canyon will reopen access to:

· The main park road and all viewpoints to Rainbow Point

· Restrooms at Sunset Point (only restrooms open within the park)

· Trails within the Bryce Amphitheater area

With public health in mind, the following facilities remain closed at this time:

· Park Visitor Center and fee booths

· Park campgrounds

· Mossy Cave parking and trail area

· Backcountry trails including the Under the Rim trail and campsites

· Park concessions facilities

Capitol Reef Partially Open

Beginning Tuesday, May 5, 2020 Capitol Reef National Park will reopen access to:

Day use in the South District (Waterpocket Fold), and overnight stays in Cedar Mesa campground. Day use in the North District (Cathedral Valley) and overnight stays in Cathedral Valley campground. Non-trailhead pullouts along Highway 24 for scenic viewing.

With public health in mind, the following facilities will remain closed until further notice: Scenic Drive, and all trailheads, trails, and canyoneering and climbing routes accessed from Highway 24 and Scenic Drive. Overnight use other than at Cedar Mesa and Cathedral Valley campgrounds. The visitor center, Gifford House, and Fruita campground.

Hills and Hollows New Hours

Sunday- closed

Monday- closed

Tuesday- 11-5

Wednesday 11-5

Thursday 11-5

Friday 11-5

Saturday 11-5

Hills and Hollows is open for in store shopping -above hours to Boulder residents.

We are going to be serving “out of towners” at the window.

Online store and ordering still available.

If anyone is quarantining- we can deliver or arrange pick up.

Please do not come into the store with any symptoms of any illness

Sweetwater Kitchen (Thanks Eva and Eric)

Sweetwater Kitchen is excited to announce we are offering pick up of freshly made burgers and sandwiches! As well as a variety of frozen made-from-scratch gourmet frozen items to cook later at your convenience. As always everything is made from scratch with the best ingredients possible. All beef is grass fed and grass finished sourced locally from Headwaters Ranch.

Here at the guest ranch we have been following all guidelines strictly and will continue to do so throughout this time. All precautions will be taken for your safety and that of our staff.

This Friday 5/8 & Saturday 5/9 from 5 - 8 pm

Please order no later than Thursday night. Order Here:


*For fresh cooked meals, please select day and time of arrival, choose "schedule for later" and enter time of arrival so your food is nice and hot!*. Email any questions to sweetwaterboulder@gmail.com If you are unable to drive to the Ranch, please let us know and we can possibly arrange for an in-town drop-off.

Garfield County

Garfield County has produced a flyer for businesses to place in their respective establishments to help provide a sense of reassurance to locals, employees and customers. Falyn has 100 sheets printed and available in her office. COVID-19 Flyer for Businesses

Boulder Arts Council

Boulder Arts Council has decided to cancel all Music in the Park events for this summer. We will also be postponing Artrageous, our biennial fundraiser until next summer. The Digital Photography Workshop is being rescheduled for next April. We are hoping to find some fun local pop-up art options for our local community which can be held outside with appropriate precautions.

Escalante Arts Festival

It is with sadness that the festival committee is passing along their decision to cancel this year's art festival. With the uncertainties associated with Covid-19 and concerns for the health of both our local communities and that of our festival community who spread from here in Garfield County, Utah, across the state, country and beyond, they decided the best course of action was to cancel this year's event.The 2020 Census

It's quick and easy. The 2020 Census questionnaire will take about 10 minutes to complete.

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Your response helps to direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public services.

Results from the 2020 Census will be used to determine the number of seats each state has in Congress and your political representation at all levels of government.


Be Safe, Be Healthy and

Please wear a mask in public places for the safety of others.


Hi Everyone,

Here is the latest update,

Heroes - Masks Makers and Sanitizers

Our mask seamstresses: Chris Bigler, Cheryl Cox, Laura DeMay, Heather Devitt, Chyleen Mackey, Donna Owen, April O'Neal, Ana Sanders and Terry Blew (Pam's Mom). Jessica Frogley, Mary Feiler, Geneen Haugen, Autumn Peterson, Hells Backbone Grill, Hills and Hollows for donating fabric, bags and gloves, Waterpocket Distillery for donating hand sanitizer to the community.

Garfield County

There are two confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Garfield County. They are mild cases and the individuals are quarantined at home. The communities in which they live have not been disclosed. Stay updated at https://www.garfield.utah.gov/departments/coronavirus-updates/-fsiteid-1 and https://swuhealth.org/covid/

Red (High Risk) to Orange (Moderate Risk)

The Governor announced we will be moving from High risk to Moderate risk precautions on Friday, May 1st as outlined in the Utah Leads Together 2.0 Plan. I suggest you take time to read the following summary to understand the new guidelines. These guidelines will be enforced as an "Order" not a "Directive". Two of the key health tools as we move to reopen and keep our residents safe are wearing a mask and keep a physical distance of six feet. And please continue to shop locally, our businesses are doing their best to keep us healthy!


Mask and Hand Sanitizer Distribution

We have completed over 100 masks and will start packing them up with disposable gloves and distributing them to households. We are prioritizing the deliveries by our older community members, those with medical conditions, essential workers, and requested masks. If you would like to request a mask, please fill out this form and we will get a mask(s) to you: needmask.staysafeboulder.com

You may be getting a call from a community member asking where they can drop the mask kits (masks and gloves) off or meet you.

We will be at Hills and Hollows from 12-2 on Friday during pick up hours if you would like to pick up your mask then (we have limited numbers available at this time) and will be dropping them off as they are completed. We will also have bulk hand sanitizer from Waterpocket Distillery for your personal bottles. No more than 12 oz per person, please. Bring your own containers.

Bryce Canyon

A Bryce Canyon Official has indicated to the Garfield County Commission that Bryce Canyon National Park Will Be Opened on Wednesday May 6, 2020.

Boulder Skills Foundation

Many Boulder residents have expressed an interest in growing gardens this year, many for the first time, in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The Boulder Skills Foundation has updated their website to provide information, advice and consultation on gardening to help us. For more information visit http://boulderskillsfoundation.org/

Griffin's Grocery Store - Escalante

They will have the following hours beginning Wednesday, April 29th:


9-11: Call in orders

12-2: Locals only

2-3: Closed for cleaning, stocking and lunches

3-6: Open to general public.


9-11: Call in orders

12-4: Open to general public

For any special requests please call or message them.

Covid-19 Response Team

As Mayor, I formed a Covid-19 Response Team to respond to the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic to Boulder residents. We meet via Zoom each Tuesday to discuss new information and resources available and to address the concerns of Boulder residents. I would like to thank this group for all the time and effort they have put in to keep us safe and healthy. They are Rick Beard, Pam Furches, Brynn Brodie, Elizabeth Julian, Cheryl Cox, Peg Smith and Dean Brooks. If you see them, thank them for their service!

If you have any additional information you would like posted related to the coronavirus pandemic, let me know. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!


Steve Cox

PO Box 1448

Boulder, Utah 84716

435 335-7550


Hello Everyone,

Here is the latest updates for Boulder,

Utah Leads Together 2.0 Plan

The Governor has released the latest plan on how Utah will begin to transition from the Urgent Phase to the Stabilization Phase of the coronavirus response. It includes some interesting data about where we are as a state right now. According to applications for unemployment insurance, Garfield County has the 2nd highest unemployment in the State (11.2%) with the leisure and hospitality sector being hit the hardest. For the latest information on the Governor's plan to address the Covid-19 health and economic crisis visit https://coronavirus.utah.gov

Congressman Ben McAdams

If you are having trouble navigating the federal programs for unemployment insurance or small business loans, contact his office. His staff are now acting as case managers. https://mcadams.house.gov

Boulder Community Alliance (Thanks Pam!)

Visit http://bouldercommunityalliance.org/covid-19-resources/ page for information on staying well, small business loans, unemployment insurance, and individual resources. They will also be posting time sensitive & pertinent information on their Facebook page at


Closure Order Rescinded

Garfield County officials rescinded its recent public lands order effectively immediately. By rescinding the order, this opens previously closed public lands in Garfield county including locations on the BLM, GSENM and allows visitors into State Parks. Garfield County officials ask visitors to be mindful of the local area and recreate responsibly. The document can be viewed at https://www.garfield.utah.gov/home/showdocument?id=1138

Hills and Hollows Update (Thanks Keri!)NEW SCHEDULE: Spring 2020

To protect our community and customers we have closed our store to walk-in traffic until further notice. We are currently taking online orders for groceries, available only for pick up or delivery.



  • Order by Tuesday 6 pm for Wednesday pick up 12-2 pm

  • Order by Thursday 6 pm for Friday pick up 12-2 pm

  • Order by Friday 6 pm for Saturday pick up 12-2 pm


  • Weekly organic, fresh produce boxes are available. $75.00 per box.

  • Reserve your produce box for Wednesday pick up (12-2 pm)

  • There are only a limited quantity of produce boxes per week- please get your order in early.

  • If we are sold out, you will be added to next week’s produce box order list. To clarify, Produce boxes can be picked up on Weds, Fridays or Saturdays, but the preferred date for Keri is Weds bc the produce gets delivered on Tuesdays, and these boxes will be the freshest on that day, so Wednesday is the main date we want to promote for pick up .

DELIVERY SERVICE (Thursday and Saturday only)

  • $100 minimum, $15 delivery fee

  • Wednesday after 4 pm

  • Friday after 4 pm

Need Help? We are available to help you order online. Please email us at orderhillshollows@gmail.com .

Hills and Hollows Wood Fired Oven (from Karen DeBonis. Thanks Karen!))

Baking on Saturday 4/25 - please get me your pre orders by Thursday afternoon at the latest. Pickup is Saturday at the oven from 12-2pm.

On offer this week:

-plain sourdough $7

-rosemary olive oil $8 *local rosemary, thanks Jill!

-lavender pollen $8

-baguette, $3 each or 2 for $5

-english muffins, $1 each

-pizza dough, raw, take it home, top it with your dreams, bake & enjoy- $3 per 250g round (makes one individual-ish pizza)

This week is my birthday, which I wouldn't normally announce, but in honor of such I will offer a free cinnamon roll to the first 32 folks that pass my way on Sat. :)

Continuing to take all the health & safety precautions: frequent hand washing and sanitizing of surfaces, cooked foods are only handled with gloves, orders will be bagged up and ready to go, exact change or venmo preferred.

If you’re needing a free loaf of bread this week- for whatever reason- please let me know.

Email list: To avoid slamming the pegboard with weekly offerings, I'm setting up an email list- please send ME an email and I’ll get you signed up. I will post various updates to pegboard as the season changes, but weekly bake information will only be available from this list moving forward. Cheers y'all. Karen DeBonis < karen.m.debonis@gmail.com>

Masks (Thanks Devaki!)

A quote from Lt. Governor Cox yesterday " First, our residents need to wear masks in public! Please stress this as often as you can".

We have been very fortunate to have a healthy community despite the spread of COVID-19. So far, we have taken great measures to protect ourselves and our community during this outbreak. This ongoing diligence of staying local, washing our hands, and taking precautionary measures against infection needs to become the norm in order to maintain a healthy community. Help us provide cloth masks and Stay Safe Car Kits for everyone in our town by sewing masks, donating products, or contributing to our project fund. For information about the Stay Safe Boulder Project, please go to welcometoboulder.info

JOIN US! Go to: form.staysafeboulder.com and let us know how you like to participate. Have questions, want additional information, or need a face mask soon? Please contact Devaki, devakimurch@gmail.com

This Week's Heroes (Thanks Judi and Karen!)

We would like to recognize our Post Office Heroes. Thank you Karen Jepsen and Judi Davis for keeping the mail coming to Boulder. We appreciate your dedication and hard work on behalf of all of us. Please go to welcometoboulder.info to see our heroes.

Thanks to all of you that are helping neighbors stay safe, stay healthy and stay connected!


Steve Cox

PO Box 1448

Boulder, Utah 84716

435 335-7550




Hi Everyone,

Here is the latest update for our community,

Community Covid 19 Website

Information specific to Boulder about Covid 19 can now be found at a newly created website and the site is password protected. You can access information at:


password: friskycreek

Our Community Heroes for this week are the Stacy Davis family. Thanks so much for providing our kids with an Easter egg hunt. It looked like everyone had a great time!

Boulder Community Alliance

If you have questions about unemployment or small business loans you can link to BCA's page through the Community Covid 19 Website for the latest information.

Boulder Skills Foundation

For those planning a garden this year, Boulder Skills Foundation has posted gardening resources and begun a gardening blog at boulderskillsfoundation.org


Closures of Bryce Canyon and Capitol Reef National Parks and Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument remain closed to all recreationists including local residents. See https://www.garfield.utah.gov/home/showdocument?id=1126


USDA has taken many immediate actions to assist farmers, ranchers, producers, rural communities, and rural-based businesses and organizations impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information on these actions, visit www.usda.gov/coronavirus .

Magnolia's Street Food

Magnolias Street Food is still offering an array of FROZEN BURRITOS, HOUSE MADE KIMCHI AND SOME OF OUR SALSAS to be PICKED-UP on THURSDAY'S between 9am-12pm. If you are not feeling well please let them know and they will arrange DELIVERY. They are going above and beyond to follow the CDC's and Southwest Utah Public Health's recommended public food safety guidelines for these times. Please send orders to magnoliasstreetfood.com . They will then send you an invoice to be paid ONLINE via square or venmo.

Boulder Mountain Spine and Sport

Despite the pandemic, chronic and acute musculoskeletal, orthopedic injury and pain are still occurring and needing treatment and care. Dr Garrett Anderson has spoken with the U.S. Attorney Generals office as well as the Utah Department of Professional Licensing. It has been determined that his practice is an "essential business". Therefore, after careful consideration, he has decided to re-open his practice to local residents who are actively practicing C.D.C. guidelines of social distancing and self quarantining as indicated. Appointments may be made once prospective patients have been vetted. Center for Disease Control protocols for cleaning and disinfecting have been implemented. At this time only local residents will be allowed to make appointments. If you are a local but have recently traveled out of the area, you must quarantine for 14 days before you can be seen. Additionally, if COVID cases start appearing in the area, It may be necessary to close the clinic. If you would like to make an appointment, please call (949) 235 1233 or email Bouldermountainspineandsport@gmail.com .


The CDC and Governor's Office are advising us to wear cloth masks in public places. You can make your own using the patterns on the following websites;



Schools Governor Herbert announced that Utah’s K-12 public schools will extend their dismissal (or soft closure) through the end of the school year in a continuing effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) envisions three phases on the path to recovery and our new future. For more information on the phases, please visit our website: https://schools.utah.gov/coronavirus

Stay Safe, Stay Home, Stay Connected!


Steve Cox

PO Box 1448

Boulder, Utah 84716

435 335-7550



Garfield County is part of a tri-county Economic Recovery Taskforce that will be helping small businesses wade through the paperwork required for assistance/applications.

They are doing weekly zoom meetings. I copied the following off their facebook group page (which you are also eligible to join, if you know about it). Here's the zoom info for tonight's 6p.m. meeting:

Here is the Agenda for the Monday Evening Zoom Meeting with businesses and the Taskforce.

Welcome - Darin Bushman, Jerry Taylor, Dennis Blackburn

PPP Loans, Q&A, Problems - Kaden Figgins

EIDL, Q&A, Problems - KadenFiggins

Program Updates - Kaden / Taskforce

Whats next, What to expect after Submission - Kaden Figgins

Unemployment Update - TBD

GOED Bridge Loan Update - Nan Anderson

GOED Bridge Loan Phase II - Nan Anderson

Business Open Roundtable Discussion - All

Topic: Tri-County Economic Recovery Taskforce

Time: Apr 13, 2020 06:00 PM Mountain Time

Apr 13, 2020 06:00 PM

Apr 20, 2020 06:00 PM

Apr 27, 2020 06:00 PM

May 4, 2020 06:00 PM

May 11, 2020 06:00 PM

May 18, 2020 06:00 PM

May 25, 2020 06:00 PM

Jun 1, 2020 06:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 941 3258 1812

Password: 290295

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,94132581812#,,#,290295# US (Houston)

+16699009128,,94132581812#,,#,290295# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US

+1 301 715 8592 US

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Meeting ID: 941 3258 1812

Password: 290295

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acUw0fGbzb

Mayor Cox's Corona Virus Update


Community Covid 19 Website

Information specific to Boulder about Covid 19 can now be found at a newly created website and the site is password protected.

You can access information at:


password: friskycreek

This will allow information shared on Pegboard to have a more permanent presence as needed. It includes links to resources, information about our various food sources, what do do if you get sick, links to file for business loans or unemployment. This is a rough roll out so please share problems or information that should be there with Cheryl (335-7550), ccox@boulderheritage.org .

You can also visit http://bouldercommunityalliance.org/covid-19-resources/ or https://www.facebook.com/bouldercommunityalliance/ for information on staying well, business, and individual resources.

The Boulder Phone Tree is functioning. If you haven't received a phone call from one of the callers, contact Cheryl 335-7550 or Shauna 335-7383 to be sure we have you on the list and your correct phone number.


Dr. Chappell has created a list of things concerning COVID-19 as of April 7, 2019. Hopefully this list will answer many of your questions or concerns; https://waynechc.org/…/quick-facts-about-the-diagnosis-and…/

Invitation to Join Good Friday Worldwide Fast (Thanks Bishop Rick Beard, Scott Bigler and Kevin Gardner)

We know many other Christian faiths and other religions believe in the power of fasting. We invite the community to join with us this Friday to fast for a day, in whatever form this tradition looks like for you. How blessed we are to live in a community of caring, which we do for each of you.


The Garfield County Commissioners, Bryce Canyon National Park, and Governor Herbert have announced a temporary closure of Bryce Canyon National Park from Wednesday, April 8, 2020, until April 30, 2020.

Garfield County, in cooperation with the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, the BLM, and Southwest Utah Public Health has issued an Emergency Recreation Order. This order will temporarily close multiple public land locations throughout Garfield County due to impacts related to COVID-19. This order applies to ALL recreationists, including local residents, but does not impact ranchers and miners operating under authorized permits.

The order is in effect immediately in the following locations:

  • Upper and Lower Calf Creek Falls

  • Deer Creek Campground

  • All Escalante Canyons

  • Devil’s Rock Garden

  • Zebra Slot Canyon

  • Burr Trail (Long Canyon Slots, Big Pines Camp Area, etc.)

  • Irish Canyons including Sandthrax Camping Area

  • Hog Springs Canyon

  • Star Springs Campground

  • North Wash

  • Ticaboo/Bullfrog Area

  • And all other recreation sites where proper social distancing practices cannot be achieved

Escalante Care and Share Open Wednesday - Saturday, by appointment only. To reduce potential exposure, please call in orders and the Care and Share team will deliver the order to your vehicle. The public will not be allowed to come inside and shop by themselves. Call 435-690-0592

Boulder Planning Commission

The Boulder Town Planning Commission will hold an electronic meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday , April 9. In accordance with the Governor's Executive Order suspending enforcement of provisions of Utah Code 52-4-202 and 52-4-207 and related agency orders, rules and regulations due to infectious disease Covid-19 Novel Coronavirus, the Community Center building will NOT be used for the meeting. Members of the public are welcome to join in the meeting, by computer or telephone. However, you will need to email Peg Smith to receive the meeting ID and password. Peg’s email: femmith@scinternet.net

Griffins Store-Escalante

Starting April 7th, Griffins will be offering curbside pickup from 9 to 11 in the morning. Please call at 435 826-4226. Ther are doing this to help those that would rather not come into the store, or cannot because of traveling out of state for work. They will also be closed this Saturday April 11 in order to give our clerks a well deserved day off. Again thank you to the whole community for your cooperation

and understanding during this time. Also please do not be offended if they do not recognize you and ask to see your ID. Please be understanding and do not take it personally. They mean no offense. They are only allowing Garfield county residents in at this time to protect our own citizens and community family.

Royals - Loa

Still open to Boulder residents. Some items are limited to one per customer. Call 435 836-2841 before you go if you have specific questions.

Hills and Hollows


Pick Up Hours (email orders to order@hillshollows.com deadline: 6pm the day prior to pick up)

  • Wednesday 12-2 (online orders & produce)

  • Thursday 12-2 (online orders only)

  • Saturday 12-2 (online orders only)

For updates from Garfield County visit:


Stay home and stay healthy!!

Steve Cox

435 335-7550