local residents
A Community Phone Tree has been created so all residents of Boulder have at least one person checking on them throughout the duration of physical distancing and challenges created by Covid-19. If you have not been contacted please call Cheryl or Shauna to be sure you are on the list.
Since the 13th of March---11 weeks---our Mayor, Steve Cox, has been releasing weekly “Coronavirus Updates” to the Boulder community. These updates are his compilation of hours’ and hours’ worth of Zoom conferences with state officials and other city leaders; conducting his own Boulder/Covid status meetings on local activities; summarizing multiple Pegboard announcements regarding local businesses, food availability, free masks and sanitizer, etc.; passing along county resources, state and federal grant/loan opportunities, and monitoring how the various programs might affect Boulder Town operations.
Of course, Steve will say he had a lot of help, which he did. Rick Beard, LDS Ward Bishop; Pam Furches, with Boulder Community Alliance; Brynn Brodie, of Boulder Heritage Skills Foundation, Elizabeth Julian, Principle Teacher at Boulder Elementary, and several others set up a conduit of information from their specific areas of outreach.
Still, it takes a leader with initiative and compassion to understand what his constituency needs and then to provide it clearly, regularly, and comprehensively. Steve grasped the confusion caused by the bombardment of information and rumors pouring out in mid-March. He understood the enormity of potential consequences for a tourism-impacted town on Highway 12. He also well understood the independent and resilient nature of this community and focused on harnessing those strengths. Many individuals brought their own skills and capabilities to assist, from all the mask-sewers who stepped up with their machines and extra fabric, to the local food producers and bread bakers, to our little stores that miraculously stayed open enough to supply the town’s necessities.
On May 28, Steve sent out what he called “my last official weekly update as we transition into re-opening,” noting that he’d continue to post important information as it comes available.
In each of Steve’s Coronavirus Updates, he highlighted a particular Boulder “hero” who’s contributed notably to the community’s well-being during these past weeks. This week, it seems fitting to highlight our mayor, Steve Cox, as a Boulder hero: In appreciation, Steve, of your efforts and hours of dedicated, diligence on behalf of Boulder Town and all its area residents.