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A different way of doing church

March 2023

Don’t be afraid!

You know what, I fell asleep in my garden, again. The birds were singing, actually they were creating a bit of a racket but that didn't matter, and what is it that smells so wonderful? At this time of the year it's probably the jasmine and maybe the Datura’s.

The trees rustle in the pleasant gentle breeze lulling me to sleep as the sun warms my face and my eyelids suddenly become heavy. Such contentment, what more could anyone ask for…….

This time when I awoke the garden was different, it was by far superior to my garden, the trees were still rustling and the birds were still singing their praises but in the distance there was other harmonious singing too and as for the flowers well they surpass anything I have ever grown. So much beauty.

All my favourites are here and I have a lot of favourites. Different ones at different times of the year. So many coordinating colours all placed to complement each other, none of it clashing. Each one planted in just the right position from the tallest to the shortest so that you can appreciate every plant in all its splendour, creating a perfect tapestry. Everything is just perfect.

This gardener whoever they might be certainly knows what they are doing.

The sun still warms my face and the balmy breeze brings with it the intoxicating perfumes of the garden. I could happily wish to spend all my days here.

This is no ordinary garden.

I must go in search of the gardener to find out more.

And then it dawned on me just where I was!

February 2023

As I write we have just celebrated Christmas and New Year so both are still very much on my mind.

Why is it that so many folk want to do away with what Christmas is truly all about?

For centuries we have celebrated this Christian tradition and suddenly here we are being told not to do so for fear of upsetting someone else's beliefs. Admittedly it may be unlikely that Jesus was actually born on that day but it has just become a pagan holiday.

I am sure that you will have heard someone say that mas without Christ isn't Christmas at all. Indeed just last week a speaker I was listening to at my mum's chapel said that very thing.

It struck me at the time that in Spanish we use the word mas to mean more and that the word Christmas for any believer therefore would mean more of Christ.

Before we know where we are we will be celebrating Easter another important event in the Christian calendar. Jesus was born to die.

He willingly left his throne and his father. Fully knowing the suffering he would endure that's how much he loved us. Are we worthy of all that, most defiantly not?

Then this year please let us have more of Christ and hold fast to our Christian beliefs.

January 2023

A new year, a new beginning, new resolutions, let's start afresh.

When you enter some wrong numbers into your calculator, what do you do? There is a little button called ‘clear entry’ that lets you erase your mistake and start over again.

That’s what the blood of Jesus does.

Repentance allows you to override sin by triggering God’s forgiveness, so that the flow of His grace continues. And when grace flows, growth follows.

Grace is about giving us what we don’t deserve and mercy is about not giving us what we do deserve.

As the year starts why not take stock and reflect on all the ways that God answered our prayers throughout the last year.

Sometimes they were in ways which didn't even seem possible.

You might think I didn't ask God for anything. He's got nothing to do with the way things turned out.

Stop for a moment and think again. Did you share a confidence with someone and did they say I'll pray for you. Or maybe someone prayed for healing for you. You may not even have been aware that they were doing so.

God will honour that person's prayer and work within that situation and guess what God hasn't finished there.

He knew you before you were even born and His greatest wish is for you to get to know him and accept him as your saviour.

When you do, tell someone about it don't keep it to yourself. There will be great celebrations in heaven and they will want to encourage and share in it with you. Read about it in Luke 15:7.

So why not press the clear entry button, cancel your mistakes and start over again. I can guarantee you the rewards are well worth it.

December 2022


What again, how did that happen we ask?

It seems to me that it comes around more quickly every year, or is it just that as we get older the months pass by more quickly.

We get worked up about how we will ever get everything done in time, let alone find the money to be able to afford gifts for everyone. Especially this year when prices are rising indiscriminately and boy does the Devil like to rub in these facts.

It’s a time of the year when he has a hay day preying on people, pushing them into debt, particularly those with young children.

Recently I read a devotional that said some people think they can take on the Devil Yet the Bible tells us,

 But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” (Jude 1:9 NIV).

If someone as powerful as the archangel Michael would not engage with the Devil, then how much more should we keep our distance from him?

James tells us, “Resist the Devil and he will flee from you” (4:7 NKJV).

So this year more so than ever in an attempt to resist the Devil I will spend more time reading about the true meaning of Christmas.

The book of Luke has 24 chapters in it which tells the story of Jesus. My advent calendar this year will be to read one chapter a day. What about you? You can follow it on the website.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power—Ephesians 6:10

I do hope you have a Blessed time this Christmas.

November 2022


How do we define it, there are so many different kinds of love. Those of you with pets will have a love for them. We have a different kind of love for our children and for those who still have parents there’s another kind of love, especially as they age and need a lot more of our care. Then what about the love we feel for our spouses, who hopefully make us feel extra special. Even that alters over the years as it matures.

It would be impossible for us to spend time with our loved ones 24/7 but with God it’s different,  He is always there every hour of every day watching our backs, excited by our experiences and looking out for us in our troubles. In other words He is caring for us as a father cares for his children and it doesn’t matter how old we are. We are never too big or too young or too old to sit in God’s Lap. I love that.

How do I know this, well Christmas is just around the corner – a time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus -  just a tiny baby – He’s God’s son you know.

Just think about it.

Imagine putting yourself in God’s position.

When I look at baby photos of my youngest child. Would I even consider putting her through the pain and suffering that God destined for Jesus, and WHY- because that is how much He loves us.

Take a small biscuit, enjoyable enough, think of it as an example of the size of the kind of love we have for each other.

Then on the other hand think about a large wedding cake. That is an example of the Love that ‘God’ has for us.

John 3:16, one of the most quoted verses in the bible says ‘God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY son so that we might have everlasting life. (Paraphrased)

All I can say is thank you, thank you, Jesus.

October 2022

‘I used to be indecisive but now I’m not so sure’.

A phrase that has been bandied around in our household for some years now, just like

What do you want to do, I don’t know what do you want to do, both of which usually brings with it a giggle.

I find the older I get the more difficult I find it to make a decision, afraid that it will be the wrong one.

After all I’m a pensioner can’t afford to get it wrong.

Time is running out so does it really matter.

I guess the answer depends on the importance of what you are concerned about. If it is ‘should I change the colour of the walls in my lounge or stick with what I have because I do like it’. It just needs freshening up and, if it wasn’t for that crack I wouldn’t even bother. Well then no it’s not overly important.

However if it is a challenge that the Lord has given you there are more things to weigh up.

Let’s surmise that you have an idea in your head, you think it might have been placed there by the Lord, so in your book you think that must be ok then, but then the parrot sitting on your shoulder starts to whisper doubts in your ear.

You need confirmation.  You’re not on your own.  Gideon asked God three times to confirm he’d got it right.

I’m rather like that myself especially when it seems to me, that God is taking His time in coming up trumps.

Philippians 4 tells us to present our requests before God, not to be anxious for anything.

 It might well be that in hindsight it’s when we see God’s interaction.

We just need Faith, it doesn’t demand details and explanations it just keeps moving forward trusting God for the right results.

September 2022

True or False?

The Bible and science contradict each other!

There are those who believe that, well then tell me why it is that long before the so called experts thought the world was flat and not round, Isaiah 4:22 says God sits high above the round ball of earth (MSG) and we are as mere ants.

The bible also says in Hebrews 11:12 that ‘the stars in the sky are innumerable’ yet astronomers reckoned they could count them but with the aid of more powerful equipment they are still counting them today.

I am told that everything we look at consist of protons, neutrons and electrons. Gosh I had to look that up and I can’t say it made a lot of sense to me, however it did confirm what Hebrews 11:3 says ‘By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible’.

Although proving that the bible and science are not a contradiction the object is not just to tell us how the Heavens were made but to give us an insight on how to get to Heaven and get to know God. Science just confirms that the Bible is the Word of God and everything in it is true.

(Content adapted from daily devotions by Greg Laurie)

August 2022 


Have you ever tried surfing? I am not a very good swimmer however two of my grandchildren are and they love all kinds of water sports.

I would love to have the confidence to ride a wave and manage to stand straight on a board and glide into land. I did use to water ski many moons ago very exhilarating.

Of course these days the word surfing has a very different connotation and I am guessing a whole lot more of us take part in it. My grandchildren certainly do a great deal of it.

Did you know that you can be stung by a wasp after you have killed it? Or that the average human tongue has 10,000 taste buds?

These days you can find out almost anything if you ‘SURF’ the net all those questions that you suddenly wonder about, but you need to put in the correct question in the first place. Sometimes it doesn't understand your questions and suggest asking it in a different way. At this point I usually think ‘I can't make it more obvious’.

Do you know what, I am just so glad that it doesn't matter how many questions or how I present them to God or even when I own up to not knowing what to say, He always understands. Unlike my lack of confidence to surf the waves I have complete confidence that God always works for my good when He answers my prayers. Maybe they are not always the answers I would like but I am mindful that He sees the bigger picture and His plans for me are to ' prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future. '” — Jeremiah 29:11.

July 2022

Almighty God, The Great I Am, Immovable Rock, Omnipotent, Powerful,  Awesome Lord.

Victorious Warrior, Commanding King of Kings,

Mighty Conqueror and the only time,

 I ever saw him run,

Was when...

He ran to me, He took me in His arms, Held my head to His chest,

Said "My son's come home again!"

Lifted my face, Wiped the tears from my eyes,

With forgiveness in His voice He said

"Son, do you know I still love You?"

He caught me By surprise, When God ran...

The day I left home, knew I'd broken His heart.  I wondered then, if things could ever be the same.

Then one night, I remembered His love for me.

And down that dusty road, ahead I could see,

It was the only time I ever saw Him run.

And then...

He caught me by surprise. And He brought me to my knees.

When God ran... I saw Him run to me.

I was so ashamed, all alone, and so far away.

But now I know, that He's been waiting for this day...

I saw Him run to me, He took me in His arms, Held my head to his chest,

Said "My son's come home again!"

Lifted my face, wiped the tears from my eyes, with forgiveness in His voice

I felt his love for me again.

He ran to me, He took me in His arms, Held my head to his chest,

Said "My son's come home again!"

Lifted my face, Wiped the tears from my eyes, With forgiveness in His voice

He said "Son"

He called me Son.

He said "Son, do you know I still love You?"

He ran to me (I saw Him run to me)

And then I ran to Him

When God ran. Sung by Phillips Craig and Dean

Sometimes when it comes to God: we’re too proud to be saved. We must hit rock bottom before knowing Jesus,

The story of the Bible ends with an invitation to anyone who feels empty and thirsts for something more than they’ve ever found in life. God simply says, “Come.”

June 2022

In the middle of my desk top I have a picture of traffic lights ordering me to STOP!

It asks the question, did you remember to pray today?

Only this morning I read ‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you’ Psalm 32:8. God does listen to our prayers.

This extract is from Max Lucado’s book ‘Start with Prayer’

Moses prayed, and the Red Sea opened. Abraham prayed, and Lot’s family was spared. Elijah prayed, and fire fell.

Joshua prayed, and the walls of Jericho collapsed. Nehemiah prayed, and the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt.

The disciples prayed, and the church was born. The church prayed, and Peter was freed. Peter and Cornelius prayed, and the gospel was taken to the world.

I prayed, and God emboldened me to speak out to unbelievers about Jesus.’ ( my story).

Do you think things happen when people pray? Yes!

“God will always give what is right to his people who cry to him night and day... I tell you, God will help his people quickly” (Luke 18:7–8).

“When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer out of it, my Father in heaven goes into action” (Matt. 18:19).

“And we are sure of this, that he will listen to us whenever we ask him for anything in line with his will” (1 John 5:14).

Has any other spiritual activity promised such power? Did Jesus call us to preach without ceasing? Or teach without ceasing? Or have committee meetings without ceasing? Or sing without ceasing? No, but he did call us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17).

God is moved by the humble, prayerful heart. “The LORD will hear your crying and he will comfort you. When he hears you, he will help you” (Isa. 30:19).

We can do much after we pray. But we should do nothing before we pray. Let’s start with prayer.

MAY 2022

I possess an implement for creating plant pots from paper, on it is written tiny acorns make mighty oaks. Similarly a tiny mustard seed measuring 1 to 2 millimetres, the smallest in the plant kingdom grows to become a plant which can reach 30 ft. tall. Recently I was challenged by someone who said we each have a story to tell and I thought yeah  but mine would be boring.

There are those who seem to have many exciting and amusing antidotes to recall regarding their story and I do admire the way others are able to bring a certain amount of comedy into a situation.

In comparison mine seems pretty uninspiring, not overly encouraging for others to want to know more about Jesus.

I can't claim to have received what others call a ‘Damascus road experience’ I grew up in a Christian home and seem to have always known Jesus as my friend.

I guess it would be almost impossible to tell the whole story so maybe opting to paint a picture would be a good start. But what about in God's eyes. He loves me, he is delighted whenever I speak to him or of him to others.

My soul aim is to please God but sadly I also feel at times that I fall far short. He is constantly reminding me of His love for me. I need not worry He knows my heart and like the tiny mustard seed all the things I consider to be small and inconsequential that I do for Him in my life will one day grow to fulfil the purpose He has for me.  

A friend once said, he used to be envious of the way in which others were able to speak so freely but realised that God gives us all different gifts and that he should use them to his best ability otherwise someone might just miss out.

 A lesson for us all.


APRIL 2022

Completely Covered.

How did I do today?

I remembered to think of others and offer up a prayer for them. I tried to be less selfish and put others needs before my own, and tried to serve folk, with a glad heart. Not too sure I accomplished the glad heart, but I did serve, hopefully that counts!

Are you proud of me?

When I was chatting with you, as I would a friend Lord, my mind didn’t wander to what I was going to prepare for lunch, or the other million things I need to be getting on with.

I made the decision that this time together was between you and me.

OR did I?

I think I managed it!

But I did trust you today Lord. When everything was going pear shaped and I had sad news about a loved one I asked you to help out. I didn’t need a panic attack on top of everything.

Are you proud of me?

I took time to stop and pray and praise you for all that you have done. I have an app that reminds me to do so! How sad I need to be reminded my friend.

Did I honour you today Lord, I did make a conscious effort to walk in your ways.

Are you proud of me?

This thinking doesn’t achieve anything and is also faithless because, you didn’t call me to be perfect. You have called me to be covered by your perfect grace.

Easter time reminds us that there is nothing we can do to make God love us any less or any more. He gave His only begotten son to save us. John 3:16. If the shoe were on the other foot would you be willing to do that, would you have that much love for humanity? Jesus paid the price. He has offered you the gift of salvation. All you need to do is accept the gift.


We read in John 9 about the man who had been blind from birth. The disciples thought that it was because either he or his parents had sinned, but Jesus told them they were barking up the wrong tree. It was so He could show what God can do.

I do like object lessons, they help me to remember things better and that's just what Jesus did here.

Jesus could have just healed the man, instead he spat on the ground and put mud on the man's eyes then told him to wash in the pool of Siloam.

The man had to do his bit. Not only did it show just how much faith he had but by being obedient it helped him to remember what Jesus did. Sad though that he didn't seem to have any idea who Jesus was when his friends asked him. I think I would have needed to find out if someone did such a miracle for me. But do we, there are so many God instances in life that we don't always recognise. Unbelievers call them coincidences.

This quote caught my attention recently. ‘Every pilot knows there is a point of no return. The runway has all been used up; it’s fly or die’.

In other words living a good life isn’t going to get you to Heaven, because Heaven is not for good people; it’s for forgiven people. I’m not going to get to Heaven because of what I do rather, it’s because I’ve put my faith in Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. God says, ‘If anyone draws back, my soul has no pleasure in him.

Being a Christian is having Jesus Christ come and take residence in your heart. The Bible says, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12 NKJV).

 Regrets aren't helpful it's what you do next that matters!


New Possibilities 

Water. All Noah can see is water. Water to the north, south east and west. Water. For forty days it rained. For months they floated and Noah wondered, how long it would last? Can God re-create this world? Is he able to start over? Can he, and we, begin again?

Finally the boat bumped. The ark was resting on ground, but was still surrounded by water.

Noah sent a raven out; it never returned. He sent a dove. It came back shivering. Then, he ascended the ladder with another dove. And let it go whilst he prayed and watched.

All day he looked for the dove’s return but all he sees is water. You know the feeling. You’ve stood where Noah stood. You’ve known your share of floods. You’ve been on Noah’s boat. And you’ve needed what Noah needed: HOPE

Hope doesn’t promise an instant solution but rather the possibility of an eventual one. Sometimes all we need is a little hope. That’s all Noah needed. And that’s what Noah received.

The Bible describes the moment: “When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf!” (Gen. 8:11).

An olive leaf. This leaf was more than foliage; this was promise. The bird brought more than a piece of a tree; it brought hope.  Isn’t that what hope is?  An olive leaf—evidence of dry land after a flood. Proof to the dreamer that dreaming is worth the risk.

To all the Noah’s of the world, to all who search the horizon for a glimpse of hope, God comes as a dove, bearing fruit from a distant land, from our future home. He comes with a leaf of promise that he can make all things new.

Extracted from ‘Begin Again’ Max Lucado



I have just been looking back at other January articles that I have written in the past, thinking no one will remember, perhaps I can use the same one again!

I find this article the most difficult to write. We are still in the throes of preparing for Christmas, not believing that yet another year has gone by. Was it a better year for you, filled with happiness or was it a sad time. I am sure it’s probably fair to say, some and some for most of us.

This is often a time of reflection and when we look back, what at the time seemed unbearable in hindsight brought us to a better place in our lives. We have good days and we have growing days according to my friend Barbara Gray. What a very positive outlook. She has a blog called ‘one day at a time ‘and has come up with other similar phrases all of which are her code for getting through life.

As Christians we too have a code to follow it’s called the Ten Commandments and if we were to follow these we would be assured of all of God’s promises. According to google there are no less than 7,487 promises from God to mankind, one of which is ‘Let not your heart be troubled’ John 14:1-10. Or - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

As we start this New Year why not seek a new promise from God each day so that we too might know good days and growing days.

May you be blessed by the Lord this coming year and seek His will for your life.

December 2021

A Good Excuse!

This time of the year is full of celebrations or do you feel it’s all doom and gloom. If so by the end of this I hope that you will think, well I suppose it’s not that bad.

This time last year we were in the middle of lockdown, unable to visit family or friends. This year we have an opportunity to do just that so let’s make the most of it, but still stay safe.

Well it is the season to be jolly! Not always the case for some I know but let’s look outside the box.

We all have a lot to be grateful for, we live in an amazing place, I for one am grateful to God for all he has put in my path, I have never had as many friends as I have here in Spain and He has granted me the opportunity to share my faith with a lot of people, introducing them to an all loving friend, Jesus.

 It’s whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. Isn’t it?

Restrictions have been lifted, we are now able to meet together and with this in mind what better way than to once again enjoy the start of Christmas singing some well-known carols. Celebrating the birth of Jesus. Check out the poster for details.

A bit early I know but I wanted to catch you before you scoot off to visit family.

There will be an opportunity for you to light your own candle, to remember a loved one and to give thanks for all they’ve done in your life, the love they shared with you.

Simonne will be there singing in her style to bring encouragement to you while you cherish a precious memory.

Wherever you are and whatever you do we pray you may be blessed as you celebrate this special time.