Abortion Resources

Browse our platform to discover resources, organizations, and guides designed to help. You can explore more resources here

Check out these organizations:

Planned Parenthood is an inclusive online platform that offers comprehensive reproductive health care services, valuable sex education resources, and a wealth of information on various health-related subjects.


Hey Jane discreetly delivers FDA-approved abortion pills quickly to individuals of all genders, regardless of their immigration status, ensuring easy accessibility. Moreover, they provide continuous medical and emotional support throughout the process.


National Abortion Federation (NAF) offers a user-friendly directory to help you find reputable providers, a multilingual hotline for direct assistance, and a comprehensive information for both patients and providers


Exhale offers a textline and call line to provide specific after-abortion support, whether you need someone to talk to about your abortion experience or seek support for your partner, child, or friend who has undergone an abortion. You can find both numbers available at this link:


Abortion Out Loud brings together personal stories, advocacy efforts, and leadership initiatives to fight against stigma and improve young people's access to abortion services.


AbortionFinder.org features the most comprehensive directory of trusted (and verified) abortion service providers and assistance resources in the United States. Abortion Finder is operated by Bedsider, a project of Power to Decide.


More Resources Below: 

Abortion Resolution Workbook.pdf

Abortion Resolution Workbook

If you are having a hard time after an abortion experience, there is help for you. This workbook can guide you through some basic steps to feeling better emotionally and spiritually. It can also give you suggestions about further help. It may also be useful if you just want more resolution about an abortion experience.


DIY Doula

We define a doula (pronounced “DOO-luh”) as a trained compassionate person who provides individuals with non-judgmental emotional, physical, and informational support to people throughout their pregnancy, allowing those individuals the ability to make healthy decisions for themselves, whether they face birth, miscarriage, stillbirth, fetal anomaly, or abortion. Check out the Bearing Witness comic for more on an abortion doula’s role.


The "Dealing with Distress" worksheet offers practical guidance and strategies to help individuals effectively cope with and manage feelings of distress.

10 Post Traumatic Growth Worksheets.docx