Google Sites features

Visual editor

Google Sites has a very powerful visual drag and drop editor. It means that you can simply just create text, image or other elements and use it like Lego bricks to build website that you like.

What is great about the Google Sites editor is that it automatically aligns all the elements so it looks tidy and nice. The editor also offers already content visuals.

Google sites visual editor
Google sites hosting

Free hosting

Free hosting is automatic for all published and unpublished Google sites. It also comes with your own domain sufix, for example

Free SSL security

All Google Sites are running on Google hosting and Google-owned domain This is a reason why all websites are secured by SSL provided by Google Sites free of charge.

Google Analytics for Google sites

Google Analytics

Google analytics is one of the best analytical platforms for websites that is able to track acquisition, retention, engagement, monetization, live data and much much more.
Google analytics integration with Google Sites is extremely simple, it is just 1 field setup in Google Sites settings and a simple setup in Google Analytics.

Google Sites help center

Google Sites are self-service, however if you encounter any problem, you can find tutorials on our page or you can find great support and tutorials on official Google Support website:

Google sites support

Google Drive integration

Google Drive integration with Google Sites is native, which means that you can embed the following formats with just 1 click:

  • Presentation

  • Excel sheets

  • Slides

  • Form

  • Charts

  • and more

Remote collaboration

The website can be shared with all your colleagues and you can work on it simultaneously. Google Sites manages all changes and ensures they will be published on the website properly.

Google sites remote collaboration
Google Sites embeding


Google Sites has a powerfull embeding feature. You can embed Videos, Maps, Google Drive documents and more.

Responsive design

The design of all Google Sites is responsive by default. The element (lego like) structure enables automatically to be good looking on all devices and screen sizes:

  • Smartwatches

  • Smartphones

  • Tablets

  • PCs

  • and more

Google Sites Themes


Themes are a powerful feature in Google Sites that ensures to have a unified design across all your pages. On the other hand it allows you to rebrand (change colours, fonts, etc. ) on all your pages simultaneously.


All Google Sites are by default well optimized for SEO purposes. Site speed is excellent, structure is great, domain is strong.
What you need to take care is text structure - to make sure you have a Title, Heading, Sub-heading and a regular text.

Personally I was able to achieve much higher score in SEO optimizer tools compared to WordPress pages with a lot of work.

Google Sites SEO
Google sites private pages

Private and Public pages

Google Sites enables pages to be private (not public). This means you can work on the page as long as you need, so that the result is as beautiful as you want. All texts, visuals, images and more can be prepared and published when you decide it is finished.

Pop-up banner

With Google Sites Pop-up banner you may create a campaign with pop-up banner and promote a specific product, feature or even a discount.

You may choose whether the pop-up is only on home-page or on every page.

Google Sites pop-up banner
Google Sites with your own domain

Your domain

Google Sites enables you to connect your own domain name. I means that you do not have to use the default domain, but you may connect domain that people can simply memorize.

Ready made content templates

Google Sites provide many ready-made content blocks that you just click and fill in text. This way the building of the website is much faster and the end results looks like from a pro web designers.

Google Sites content blocks
Google sites sandbox


With Sandbox feature on Google Sites you may opt-in that your page is not visible to the public. This means that you can try and build website without anybody seeing it and publishing the website only after final touches.