TOP 10
Google Sites

If you aim to create a simple site with a few sub-pages, Google Site is definitely a good option.
If you are creating a website for the first time - Google Sites is the best option, since it provides everything you need and is extremely simple to use.

Google Sites are powerful, yet simple tool to create website. There are multiple other platforms like Wix, Wordpress, Drupal and other tools to build websites and you need to choose wisely.

If you are skilled or if you have already build a few websites before, there may be other tools/platforms that would fit your needs better

Here are TOP 10 Google Sites that can be found on internet:

Even hotels are using Google Sites as a tool to create their websites. Hotel Flanders is a hotel located in southern Venice and is the winner of the most luxurious hotels in 2018 and 2019. This Google Site example proves that even the best hotels and companies in the world are able to utilize a simple and effective solution like Google Site. The webpage is sleek, good-looking, and easy to navigate.

Joshua Pomeroy is a Graphic Designer, Illustrator, and Artist that built his website with Google Sites. On the website, you may find Art for download and his designs. A fantastic example of how a professional website does not have to be just simple, but also good-looking. Color choice together with a professional photo create great first impression.

Google Drawings is a website build by Joshua Pomeroy. Joshua is using Google Drawings to create art and illustrations. These are featured on the website created by Google sites. We have to admit connecting a skilled art person with a simple sites creates an amazing result.

Juvrus Technologies aims to create awesome software products that integrate and automate the world. You can also find customer testimonials and cooperation projects featured on the Google Sites free website.

Avox Architects focuses on designing functional yes beautiful homes and flats. Multiple past projects are featured on the website and they use huge images on the website.

This Google Site is a great example on how a website could look like. The homepage is very tidy with beautiful image related to the topic. The menu is simple at the top and the webpage has a clear structure that is easy to follow. Each page is easy to read with valuable information and content.

Preesh Network utilizes the simplicity of Google Sites. It is a great example of how professional can a self-made website look. The graphics are mainly black and yellow and the professional image underlines the quality of services as a good example.

Bird of Prey Center provides unique experience with birds. They organizes tours, camps, beddings and much more on a unique location. The website looks amazing - I love the text with the image on the homepage. Also it is worth mentioning the footer with email subscribe field and important links.

Steegle as a Google partner is building intranet solutions based on Google Sites. Again, this is a very effective and easy to use solution how to improve company-wide communication between all employees and teams. They even feature a banner on top of the page with interesting message and CTA.

Pilates training is a professionally designed website with attractive homepage, clear messaging simple home menu, custom logo and more. The company is focusing on Pilates training, certification and lections. I would gladly use their services based on this website.