
Teaching duty outside IITK:

A course taken through the online platform of Institute of Smart Structures and Systems (ISSS) (a society affiliated to IISC Bangalore) during July-November 2022. The recorded lecture videos are attached below.

Recorded lecture content: Quantum Mechanics-I

Lecture 1: Introduction to quantum mechanics and black body radiation

Lecture 2:  photoelectric effect, Compton effect, De Broglie hypothesis

Lecture 3: Wave particle duality, Davisson Germer experiment, properties of matter wave

Lecture 4: Young's double slit for electrons, measurement disturbing systems, uncertainty principle





Lecture 5: Bohr's atomic model and atomic spectra, Sommerfeld quantization, Correspondence principle

Lecture 6: mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics part-I

Lecture 7: mathematical formulation part II

Lecture 8: mathematical formalism part III: Operators

Lecture 9: mathematical formalism part IV: Operators continued



Lecture 10: Generalised uncertainty principle and time evolution of operator expectation value

Lecture 11: Solving Schrodinger's equation, stationary states

Lecture 12: Probability continuity equation, Ehrenfest theorem, Classical and Quantum relation

Lecture 13: Bound and scattering states, Infinite square well-part I

Lecture 14: Solving infinite square well potential part II



Lecture 15: Solving free particle problem, group and phase velocity of wavepacket

Lecture 16: solving linear harmonic oscillator problem

Lecture 17: Solving potential barrier problem, quantum tunneling and barrier penetration

An online  course through the online platform of Institute of Smart Structures and Systems (ISSS) (a society affiliated to IISC Bangalore) during June-October 2023.

Teaching duty at IITK: