Ongoing Research

Fig. 1: Two-coil mutual inductance set-up (home-built) of our lab for high frequency AC susceptibility measurement. 

Figure courtesy: Amit Jash et al., Phys. Rev. Appl. 12, 014056 (2019).

Fig. 2: Pick-up voltage response from the two-coil technique on SmB6 single crystal at 4 kHz, 200 mA AC excitation signal.

Topological Kondo Insulator

My research interest lies in exploring and understanding the underlying physics of topological materials and how strong correlation plays a role in them. Currently, we are working on an interesting system called Samarium Hexaboride (SmB6) which is predicted to be the first topological Kondo insulator (TKI) - a new class of topological material that develops through the interplay of strong correlation and spin-orbit interaction. The below 4 K conductivity plateau in this system is debated to be coming from non-trivial and topologically protected surface states.  The robustness of these surface states against disorder makes this system an ideal candidate for prospective applications in spintronics, quantum computation etc. At present, we are exploring the physics of SmB6 single crystals, i.e. in 3-D, by transport, DC magnetic susceptibility and high-frequency AC susceptibility measurement using our home-built two-coil set-up. We are also attempting to grow 2-D SmB6 thin film of varied thickness by developing a home-built, 2000 °C  and high vacuum induction furnace in our lab. Our future aim is to investigate the  local current distribution using our magneto-optical imaging (MOI) technique in such unique TKI systems both in 3-D single crystal and 2-D thin film.

SS-316 sample melting by induction heating

Graphite crucible induction heating