Working Papers


2023-10. Alcalde-Unzu, J., Gallo, O., Iñarra, E. and J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2023). Solidarity to achieve stability. Available at arXiv.

2023-09. Alcalde-Unzu, J., Gallo, O. and M. Vorsatz (2023). Strategy-proofness with single-peaked and single-dipped preferences. Available at arXiv. 

2023-08. Alcalde-Unzu, J. and M. Vorsatz (2023). The structure of strategy-proof rules. Available at arXiv. 

2023-07. Bergantiños, G. and J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2023). Decentralized revenue sharing from broadcasting sports. Available at RePEc.

2023-06. Bergantiños, G. and J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2023). Broadcasting revenue sharing after cancelling sports competitions. Available at RePEc.

2023-05. J.D. Moreno-Ternero and A. Krummer (2023). The allocation of additional slots for the FIFA World Cup. Available at RePEc.

2023-04. Barberà, S., Bossert, W. and J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2023). Wine rankings and the Borda method. Available at RePEc.

2023-03. Bergantiños, G. and J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2023). Decentralized revenue sharing from broadcasting sports. Available at RePEc.

2023-02. Moreno-Ternero, J.D., Platz, T.T and L.P. Østerdal (2023). QALYs, DALYs, and HALYs: a unifying framework for the evaluation of population health. Available at RePEc.

2023-01. Hernández P., Peris J.P. and J. Vidal-Puga (2023). A non-cooperative approach to the Folk rule in minimum cost spanning tree problems. Available at RePEc.


2022-24. Núñez, M. and J. Vidal-Puga (2022). Stable cores in information graph games. Available at RePEc: Link 

2022-23. Mallozzi, L. and J. Vidal-Puga (2022). Equilibrium and dominance in fuzzy games. Available at RePEc: Link 

2022-22. Feng D., B. Klaus and F. Klijn (2022): Characterizing the coordinatewise top-trading-cycles mechanism for multiple-type housing markets. Barcelona School of Economics WP: Link 

2022-21. Biró P., F. Klijn and S. Pápai (2022). Balanced exchange in a multi-unit Shapley-Scarf market. Barcelona School of Economics WP: Link 

2022-20. Fiovaranti, F. and J. Massó (2022). False-name-proof and strategy-proof voting rules under separable preferences. Available at SSRN: Link 

2022-19. Romero-Medina, A. and M. Triossi (2022). Strategic priority-based course allocation. Available at SSRN: Link 

2022-18. Llorca, N., R. Martínez and J. Sánchez-Soriano (2022). Assessments in public procurement procedures. Available at RePEc: Link 

2022-17. Giménez-Gómez, J.M., P. Sudhölter and C. Vilella (2022). Average monotonic cooperative games with nontransferable utility. University of Rovira and Virgili WP: Link 

2022-16. Gersbach, H., A. Mamageishvili and O.Tejeda (2022). Republic or democracy? Co-voting! Available at CEPR: Link 

2022-15. Gersbach, H., Tejada, O. and J. Wagner (2022). Policy reforms and the amount of checks & balances. Available at SSRN: Link 

2022-14. Rajsbaum, S. and A. Raventós-Pujol (2022): A Combinatorial Topology Approach to Arrow's Impossibility Theorem. Available at Munich Personal RePEc archive: Link 

2022-13. Duro, J.A., J.M. Giménez-Gómez, J. Sánchez-Soriano and C. Vilella (2022). Allocating remaining carbon budgets and mitigation costs. University of Rovira and Virgili WP: Link  

2022-12. Salekpay, F., C. Vilella and J.M. Giménez-Gómez (2022). How to distribute the ERDF funds through a combination of egalitarian allocations: the CELmin. University of Rovira and Virgili WP: Link 

2022-11. Martínez, R. and J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2022). An axiomatic approach towards pandemic performance indicators. Available at RePEc: Link 

2022-10. Ginsburg, V. and J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2022). The Eurovision Song Contest: voting rules, biases and rationality. Available at RePEc: Link 

2022-09. Moreno-Ternero, J.D. and L.P. Osterdal (2022). Entitlements to continued life and the evaluation of population health. Available at RePEc: Link 

2022-08. Alcalde-Unzu, J., J.D. Moreno-Ternero and S. Weber (2022). The measurement of the value of a language. Available at RePEc: Link 

2022-07. Bergantiños, G. and J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2022). Separable rules to share the revenues from broadcasting sports leagues. Available at RePEc: Link 

2022-06. Ginsburgh, V. and J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2022). Brexit and multilingualism in the European Union. Available at RePEc: Link 

2022-05. Martínez, R. and J.D. Moreno-Ternero (2022). Compensation and sacrifice in the probabilistic rationing of indivisible units. Available at RePEc: Link 

2022-04. Alcalde-Unzu, J., D. Berga and R. Gjorgjiev (2022). Impartial social rankings: some impossibilities. Available at SSRN: Link 

2022-03. Amorós, P. (2022). Evaluation and strategic manipulation. University of Málaga WP. Link 

2022-02. Barberà, S., D. Berga, B. Moreno and A. Nicolò (2022). Pairwise justifiable changes in collective choices. Available at SSRN: Link

2022-01. Bonifacio, A., J. Massó and P. Neme (2022). Preference restrictions for simple and strategy-proof rules: local and weakly single-peaked domains. Barcelona School of Economics WP 1324. Link