Spanish Social Choice Network


The objective of the Spanish Social Choice Network (Red Española de Elección Social, REES) is to bring together and unite the most active Spanish research groups with the most international projection that work in the area of Social Choice in Spain. In particular, the REES intends to facilitate the integration of young researchers in the international scientific community. Our main activities are:

  • Organize an annual meeting to present research on issues related to Social Choice.

  • Hold specific meetings. Possible topics include voting system design, non-manipulating mechanism design, cooperative games, analysis of two-sided allocation markets, and non-cooperative game theory.

  • Create new links with other research groups in Economics, facilitating the integration of young researchers to the REES and their participation in the international scientific community.

REES was created in 2005 with the aim of uniting the most active Spanish groups with the most international projection that worked in the area of Social Choice. As then, REES now intends to continue facilitating collaboration between researchers from different Spanish universities and research centers with the common goal of conducting research in the area of Social Choice with international standards. Currently, REES consists of 15 nodes (institutions) whose representatives are:

Jorge Alcalde-Unzu

Universidad Pública de Navarra

Dolors Berga

Universidad de Girona

Gustavo Bergantiños

Universidad de Vigo

Carmen Beviá

Universidad de Alicante

José Luis García Lapresta

Universidad de Valladolid (grupo)

Flip Klijn

Instituto de Análisis Económico-CSIC

Annick Laruelle


Jordi Massó

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Elena Molis

Universidad de Granada

Bernardo Moreno

Universidad de Málaga

Juan de Dios Moreno Ternero

Universidad de Pablo Olavide

Marina Núñez

Universidad de Barcelona (grupo)

José Carlos Rodríguez Alcantud

Universidad de Salamanca

Antonio Romero Medina

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid