Web Design Focus

Trending designs from the web

Featured Site of the Month "RareMetalBlog" page 1/9

Each month WebDesignFocus will feature a website with a unique design and features. This month we have chosen the RareMetalBlog which is a website about precious metal investing and more specific gold and silver backed retirement accounts also know as gold IRAs.

The RareMetalBlog Homepage

We found that RaremetalBlog uses a the WP plugin Sogrid to create a beautiful portal style homepage that takes the user directly to the most important pages. The Main menu bar takes advantage of a two color gradient style to get a metallic look with.

What we liked about the homepage:

  1. Clean design

  2. Easy to navigate

  3. Cool business logo

What we didn't like:

  1. the websites Youtube channel needs more development

example below..