Access current weather data for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities! The data is frequently updated based on the global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations.

Requesting API calls by geographical coordinates is the most accurate way to specify any location. If you need to convert city names and zip-codes to geo coordinates and the other way around automatically, please use our Geocoding API.

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Looking at the api documentation found HERE and HERE, you are calling the /gridpoints/{wfo}/{x},{y}/forecast/hourly call which will return the hourly weather forecast for the specified weather office {wfo} at the specified x-y coordinates. You can find a list of the weather offices HERE. Finding the X-Y coordinates for the weather offices may be a bit more tedious to find on the web.

If you happen have access to the GPS coordinates that you are working with you can use the /points/{x},{y} API call to get the information on the closest weather office to then pass to the /gridpoints/{wfo}/{x},{y}/forecast/hourly API call.

Step 2: Make a call to the API: ,-106. You will be presented with some JSON data. Look for the cwa key in the properties object. That will be the forecast office to pass into the next api call. In my case, the key is ABQ. You also need to find the gridX and gridY keys in the properties. These are the XY coordinates that you will use for the {X},{Y} parameters in the API call. In my case X = 121 and Y = 112.

If you register an new API key with OpenWeatherMap, it will be activated automatically, this typically takes between 10 minutes and 2 hoursafter your successful registration. Keep in mind when configuring this integration, that you new API key mightnot be activated yet. Recent policy changes limit the API access for new registered users with a free plan, they should select the hourly mode. The other modes require a paid subscription plan. Invalid API-key errors might occur if your API key is used with the other modes.

The integration creates a weather entity as well as sensors for supported weather conditions.Selecting a onecall forecast mode with the free tier leverages the One Call API, resulting in updates every 5 minutes and is recommended for both hourly and daily forecast.

The time period these sensors use depends on the forecast mode selected when configuring the integration: hourly or onecall_hourly will show conditions for the current hour of the day, while daily or onecall_daily will show conditions for the current day.

This example retrieves severe weather alerts at the time of this writing. It is likely that there are no longer any severe weather alerts at the requested location. To retrieve actual severe alert data when running this example, you'll need to retrieve data at a different coordinate location.

The Get Daily Forecast API returns detailed daily weather forecast such as temperature and wind. The request can specify how many days to return: 1, 5, 10, 15, 25, or 45 days for a given coordinate location. The response includes details such as temperature, wind, precipitation, air quality, and UV index. In this example, we request for five days by setting duration=5.

The Get Hourly Forecast API returns detailed weather forecast by the hour for the next 1, 12, 24 (1 day), 72 (3 days), 120 (5 days), and 240 hours (10 days) for the given coordinate location. The API returns details such as temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation, and UV index.

The Get Minute Forecast API returns minute-by-minute forecasts for a given location for the next 120 minutes. Users can request weather forecasts in intervals of 1, 5 and 15 minutes. The response includes details such as the type of precipitation (including rain, snow, or a mixture of both), start time, and precipitation intensity value (dBZ).

The WeatherBug app is a good weather app for people who spend a lot of time outside hiking, bike riding or just enjoying the outdoors. One section on the app's homepage is called Outdoor Sports Index. This section shows you, on a scale of 1 to 10, how favorable the weather is for outdoor activities throughout the day. If a day has a score of 1 to 2, you're in the clear for a great day outside, but if a day has a score of 9 or 10 the app recommends canceling outdoor plans.

The app gives you the standard weather information, like daily temperatures, weather conditions and humidity. It also shows you information like where the closest lightning strike was to your location in the last 30 minutes.

When you visit our website for the first time, you may be asked to allow the website to access your location- this optional feature automatically generates a localised weather forecast. Your geo-location information is not stored by us or sent elsewhere. Further information in the Privacy statement.

The daily outlook above the hourly forecast displays the weather symbol type at 1200 in Wintertime and 1300 in Summertime in line with IST. It shows the maximum/minimum temperature forecast for that location on those days (0900-0900 UTC) and the moon phase symbol.

A feature of the new website is that all the maps (apart from Pressure) can be zoomed in and out- and can be played at other zoom levels. You can do this either by double-clicking on the map or by using the +/- buttons on the top left-hand corner, then use the mouse to drag it to the location you want. This allows you to play the weather images passing over your nearest towns.

To look up the forecast for another location tap the magnifier in the top right. This will update the homepage map, outlook, current conditions and regional weather forecast to the new province. To change back to your location, tap the magnifier and turn on the Use My Location on/off slider. A list of previous searches will stay, you can tap them to get a forecast for that location again- no need to retype.

The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project is a significant improvement in the accuracy of weather forecasts by increasing the refresh rate of sea wind measurements ten-fold. This forecast improvement will increase the economic competitiveness of the United States by improving efficiency in maritime, agriculture, and logistics industries. Improved weather forecasts will advance the health and welfare of the American public by enabling earlier storm warnings that save thousands of lives.Improved weather forecasts will support national defense, while also saving hundreds of millions of dollars in false-alarm hurricane evacuations. Sea wind data will also directly benefit maritime operators, including recreational sailors, ocean carriers and fishers. Wind map and forecast subscriptions from maritime customers represent a $3 billion commercial opportunity._x000D_


This STTR Phase I project proposes to study the feasibility of increasing the refresh rate of sea wind measurements ten-fold using a constellation of nanosatellite radars (scatterometers). Current satellites for measuring sea winds are prohibitively expensive and performance has not substantially improved since they were introduced decades ago. The objective of this research is to evaluate the measurement accuracy, cost, and refresh rate of the proposed nanosatellite scatterometers. Additional objectives study the regulatory feasibility, post-processing feasibility, and commercial feasibility. The research includes calculations of the radar signal, heat, data geolocation, cost, mass, data rate, latency, radio interference, and license feasibility. The research also includes simulations of the radar measurement geometry, the post-processing, the wind maps that will be generated by the scatterometer, as well as the constellation, its operations, and its replenishment requirements. The studies in this project answer key feasibility and performance questions posed by potential users. The results, such as data quality, availability, and simulated sample data, will be used in customer discovery to ensure the needs of potential users are met._x000D_


This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

All Physical Plant staff members are hereby notified that at any time they may be called upon to help in the removal of snow. Unless he/she has made prior arrangements with the Director of Operations, the Assistant Director of Operations, or the Landscape Maintenance Manager, they are subject to a call-in for snow removal. From the time an employee is called, arrival at Regis is expected within one (1) hour, or the time designated by the Landscape Maintenance Manager. This includes reasonable allowances for weather conditions and other uncontrollable or unforeseen circumstances that prevent the employee from arriving within this time frame. Planned authorized vacation use by an employee during snow emergencies will automatically restrict any employee from the possibility of being called in for snow removal duties unless other prior arrangements have been made. ff782bc1db

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