An "EDGE" ISO image is also available for the Cinnamon edition. This image ships with a newer kernel to be able to support the latest hardware chipsets. If you cannot boot the regular editions, we recommend you try the "EDGE" ISO instead.

A Kali Linux Live image on a CD/DVD/USB/PXE can allow you to have access to a full bare metal Kali install without needing to alter an already-installed operating system. This allows for quick easy access to the Kali toolset with all the advantages of a bare metal install. There are some drawbacks, as disk operations may slow due to the utilized storage media.

Linux On Dex Image Download

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Experienced penetration testers and security professionals use and trust Kali Linux because we provide full transparency into the build scripts. Feel free to read, investigate, and change build scripts for any images below.

Many of the world's biggest PC manufacturers certify their laptops and desktops for Ubuntu, from ultra-portable laptops to high-end workstations. Ubuntu certified hardware has passed our extensive testing and review process, ensuring that Ubuntu runs well out-of-the-box. Our partners also offer select devices preloaded with optimised Ubuntu images.

Maybe this is not the image I want ? I thought it would let me not only run things as a normal user in a live image, but actually install it. For that (even for setting keymap and console font) I need to be able to become root.

I spent quite some time trying to figure out the default creds for the 'virtualbox' image. Wasnt' able to find it anywhere but after a lucky guess the user and pass turned out to be 'vagrant' (didn't check but I suspect that would also apply to the libvirt image)

and rebooted the computer. Now the command dpkg --list 'linux-image*' still returns the same list as above. Why were the kernels 5.4.0-42 and 5.4.0-58 not deleted from the list and how can I get rid of the entries in the list? Place on /boot has been freed though.

where dpkg -l | grep linux-image | grep -v ^ii | awk '{print $2}' is self-explanatory - we get list of installed packages, filter the linux-image occurrences, then filter not installed packages and finally get their names from column 2.

Sometimes, a specific variant of the linux-image is slimmed down by removing the less common kernel modules (drivers). In this case, the linux-image-extra package simply contains all of the "extra" kernel modules which were left out.

Officially, this only happens for the -virtual image; the most common hypervisors (Virtualbox, VMWare, Xen, KVM) emulate a well-defined and restricted set of hardware, so removing unnecessary drivers which increase the size of the kernel/initrd is a good idea. You can always get them back by installing the extras package.

The kernel team also appears to have adopted this method for some of the mainline-PPA -generic kernels; the reasoning and solution remain the same -- if it looks like the base kernel image is missing a module you need, install extras.

In particular, usb-hid (keyboard support), is only present once you install the linux-image-extras package. A common mishap, which results in TTY1 hanging on boot, and unable to login using a keyboard.

Thus, unlike most similar questions focusing on how to remove old kernel images after routine upgrades, what I am trying to do here is to COMPLETELY PURGE ALL THESE 3.13 PACKAGES, which should not be there in the first place.

At the end of this process, the *image-3.13*s are gone, together with matching files and folders normally found in /boot and in /lib/modules, but the image-extras are still reported as half-installed (even though they appear to contain no files, as verified by dpkg -L...)

Doing ls /boot should show some vmlinuz-X.XX.XX files. Do apt-get purge linux-image-X.XX.XX-generic for each one, but DO NOT REMOVE the kernel you are running. You can check which one with uname -r.

Linux ISO images are an efficient way to download and install any Linux distribution. All that is required is sufficient drive space, software to write the ISO image and a bootable media such as CD/DVD or USB flash drive.

In the context of files and programs, an "image", whether an ISO or other media image, is simply a file that can be used as an identical copy of the original media. This file not only contains individual data files, but it also contains track and sector information and arranges all this information in a file system, just like disk media. Image files, unlike normal files, are usually not opened; rather, they are mounted.

An ISO image (.iso) is simply a CD-ROM image saved in ISO-9660 format. ISO images are mainly used as source files from which to create CDs. As an example, most distributions of Linux release ISO images of the installation CDs. These images are usually freely available online. Once you download the image, you can use software to recreate the physical installation media.

The Amazon Linux container image is built from the same software components that are included in the Amazon Linux AMI. It's available for use in any environment as a base image for Docker workloads. If you're using the Amazon Linux AMI for applications in Amazon EC2, you can containerize your applications with the Amazon Linux container image.

You can use the Amazon Linux container image in your local development environment and then push your application to AWS using Amazon ECS. For more information, see Using Amazon ECR images with Amazon ECS.

I have been working on an restore image of Linux Mint with OctoPrint preconfigured. In this version I did not configure the OctoPrint Servers, but I am planning to make another image where the OctoPrint Servers are already configured and also have it preconfigured with

UI Customizer is already installed and configured for a tablet use, Microsoft Surface Pro 3 and above.

Typically when we've seen images created like this using a cloning/disk imaging application the instance will contain credentials and such from the first run wizard as well as logins, etc. This is not the case with the octopi image, and curious if you are accounting for all of that as well?

I developed it on one machine, then imaged in on another and it work fine, you just need to update it as I explained. Different machine, different drivers and such. Connect to WiFi and" sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade", then reboot. It should work.

I have been using Clonezilla and Acronis True Image for years, and before that Symantec Ghost (From the way back machine). I know in the past Windows really did not like being imaged on one machine and then restored on another. Microsoft has seemed to resolve this issue in windows 10 and 11. As for Linux, this is only my second time imaging and restoring. I once developed a multi-operating system image for a MakerSpace that had Windows 10, and a few different flavors of Linux. It worked great.

I developed it for use on Microsoft Surface Pro Tablets. That was what I wanted and I already made an image of Windows 10 and 11 that I tested and use. I tried a few Linux flavors and Linux Mint is just the best developed disto for this job in my opinion. I like the way the Linux Mint version came out so I shared it. I am still working on the Windows 10 and 11 trying to get them into a smaller image, disable windows update as it can cause issue, and is not really necessary for this type use.

This is my Google Drive OctoPrint Folder with all of the images I have made. In the Windows 10 and 11 folders I have provide screenshots. For the Windows 10 and Windows 11 images, the user is a local account without a password assigned. OctoPrint is already configured with UI Customizer and my one of my JG Maker Printers, the user login is User="pi", Password="popnot123" With the Windows versions I installed build tools and python for all users. The OctoPrint Folder is in the root of C:, so if someone decided they wanted to login with their Microsoft account, or create a different account, all of the shortcuts will still work.

As @PrintedWeezl noted, global API key, UUIDs, tracking IDs, secret key used for hashing passwords and cookies being shared is a HUGE issue and an image including any of these is to be considered tainted and not recommended to be used. Add to that anything like server SSH keys and self signed SSL certificates that are usually generated on first boot by the OS and you've just opened up anyone using this image to a man-in-the-middle attack.

I wrote CustoPiZer specifically to allow people to adjust existing images like OctoPi further to their liking without an initial boot up that generates all kind of fragments that are supposed to be unique but no longer are if you just pack up a once booted image again.

@PrintedWeezl , @foosel With some help from Makerspace friends, is there a reality where you want an image like this to exist? If so, what exactly do I need to scrub to make it expectable. I want to help, just let me know how?

To be clear about its creation:

1.) I downloaded the latest live install USB here: Download Linux Mint 20.3 - Linux Mint

2.) I installed it using the user name "octopad", and password "octopad"

3.) I set it to autologin.

4.) I installed python.

5.) I installed OctoPrint.

6.) I configured the Startup Applications to launch the servers.

7.) I configured the Firefox browser with the shortcuts.

8.) I scaled up the screen dpi.

9.) I imaged it.

10.) Created the USB, then made an image.

11.) Then I trimmed the empty space to make the image smaller.

That wasn't my concernĀ 

We just wanted to warn you that Octoprint and some applications and tools generate secure keys on first start.

If you don't remove them from your image, everyone knows them and they aren't secure anymore.

(depending on which key it was you also have to add something to the image that generates new keys at first boot)

With some help from Makerspace friends, is there a reality where you want an image like this to exist? If so, what exactly do I need to scrub to make it expectable. I want to help, just let me know how? ff782bc1db

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