Load timetables from openPricesSmall and concatenate them vertically. The timetables are opWeek1 and opWeek2. They contain opening prices for some stocks during the first and second weeks of January 2016.

Concatenate the timetables. You can concatenate timetables vertically when they have the same variables. The row times label the rows and are not contained in a timetable variable. Note that the row times of a timetable can be out of order and do not need to be regularly spaced. For example, op does not include days that fall on weekends. A timetable also can contain duplicate times. op contains two rows for 08-Jan-2016 09:00:00.

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Load air quality data and weather measurements from two different timetables and synchronize them. The dates of the measurements range from November 15, 2015, to November 19, 2015. The air quality data come from a sensor inside a building, while the weather measurements come from sensors outside.

Synchronize the timetables. The output timetable tt contains all the times from both timetables. synchronize puts a missing data indicator where there are no data values to place in tt. When both input timetables have a variable with the same name, such as Humidity, synchronize renames both variables and adds both to the output timetable.

Synchronize the timetables, and fill in missing timetable elements with linear interpolation. To synchronize on a time vector that includes all times from both timetables, specify 'union' for the output times.

The synchronize function collects the variables from all input timetables, synchronizes them to a common time vector, and returns the result as a single timetable. The effect is similar to a horizontal concatenation, though the input timetables can have different row times. When the synchronize function synchronizes timetable variables to different times, it also resamples or aggregates the data in the variables using a method that you specify.

TT = synchronize(TT1,TT2) creates a timetable, TT, that contains all variables from both the input timetables TT1 and TT2, synchronized to a vector of row times that is the union of the row times from TT1 and TT2. The row times of TT are in sorted order with no repeated times.

For example, if newTimeBasis is 'union' and method is 'linear', then TT contains the row times from TT1 and TT2, and synchronize uses linear interpolation to resample the data from the input timetables to the output row times.

TT = synchronize(TT1,TT2,___,Name,Value) synchronizes timetables with additional options specified by one or more Name,Value pairs. You can use this syntax with the input arguments of any of the previous syntaxes.

Synchronize TT1 and TT2. The output timetable, TT, contains all the row times from both timetables, in sorted order. In TT, Temp contains NaN for row times from TT2, and Pressure contains NaN for row times from TT1.

Load sample timetables that contain two different sets of environmental measurements, indoors and outdoors. The air quality data come from a sensor inside a building, while the weather measurements come from sensors outside. The timetables include measurements taken from November 15, 2015, to November 19, 2015.

Aggregate the data from the timetables into daily time bins using the synchronize function. Specify 'daily' to aggregate the data into time bins that span one day apiece. Specify 'mean' to obtain the mean values in each time bin for each variable.

Aggregate the data from the timetables into 30-minute time bins using the synchronize function. Specify a regular time step using the 'regular' input argument and the 'TimeStep' name-value pair argument. You can use these arguments to create a timetable that is regular, but whose time step is not a predefined step such as 'hourly'.

Load two small timetables, with row times for measurements taken at the half-hour mark. However, in each timetable, there is a row time for data that was not collected at the half-hour mark. Both timetables are irregular, which means that the time step is different between consecutive row times.

Load two small timetables. In each timetable, there is a row time for data that was not collected on the hour. Both timetables are irregular, which means that the time step is different between consecutive row times.

Synchronize the measurements to daily times to produce mean temperatures and the sums of the rainfall measurements. synchronize applies the specified method to all timetable variables. To apply different methods to different timetable variables, index into the timetables to select different variables, and call synchronize for each method you use.

The first row time of TT is at the beginning of the time unit that includes the earliest row time from the input timetables. The range of row times in TT covers the range of row times from TT1 and TT2. However, TT might not include any of the actual row times from TT1 or TT2, since they can have row times that are not at the beginnings of any time unit.

Copy data from the rows of each input timetable when row times of the output timetable match row times of the corresponding input. Then, fill the remaining elements of the output timetable with missing data indicators.

Interpolate data values in the output timetable from data values in neighboring rows of the input timetables. Input timetables must have row times that are sorted and unique. To control how the data are extrapolated beyond the first and last row times of the input timetables, use the 'EndValues' name-value pair argument.

Aggregate data from rows of the input timetables over time bins specified by the row times of the output timetable. Each row time of TT is the left edge of a time bin, with the next consecutive row time being the right edge. By default, the left edges are included in the time bins. To control whether the left or the right bin edges are included in the time bins, use the 'IncludedEdge' name-value pair argument.

Example: TT = synchronize(TT1,TT2,newTimes,'fillwithconstant','Constant',-1) synchronizes the timetables TT1 and TT2 and assigns the value -1 to elements in rows of TT with row times that do not match row times in the corresponding input timetables.

Value for filling gaps when the method is 'fillwithconstant', specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Constant' and an array. The default value is 0. The data type of the value specified by 'Constant' must be compatible with the data types of the timetable variables.

Method for extrapolation when using an interpolation method, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'EndValues' and either 'extrap' or a scalar. If you specify a scalar, then its data type must be compatible with the timetable variables.

Edges to include in each time bin, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'IncludedEdge' and either 'left' or 'right'. Each row time of TT is the left edge of a time bin, with the next consecutive row time being the right edge.

If any of the input timetables have rows with missing data values, such as NaNs, and any of those rows are included in the output timetable, then using the 'fillwithconstant' method replaces those missing values with a constant. In previous releases the 'fillwithconstant' method does not replace missing values in rows taken from the input timetables.

As such, Airflow allows for custom timetables to be written in plugins and used byDAGs. An example demonstrating a custom timetable can be found in theCustomizing DAG Scheduling with Timetables how-to guide.

The list of events must be finite and of reasonable size as it must be loaded every time the DAG is parsed. Optionally,the restrict_to_events flag can be used to force manual runs of the DAG to use the time of the most recent (or veryfirst) event for the data interval, otherwise manual runs will run with a data_interval_start anddata_interval_end equal to the time at which the manual run was begun. You can also name the set of events using thedescription parameter, which will be displayed in the Airflow UI.

There are two timetables CronTriggerTimetable and CronDataIntervalTimetable that accepts a cron expression.There are some differences between the two:- CronTriggerTimetable does not take care of Data Interval, while CronDataIntervalTimetable does.- The time when a DAG run is triggered by CronTriggerTimetable is more intuitive and more similar to what peopleexpect cron to behave than that of CronDataIntervalTimetable (when catchup is False).

Here is an example showing how the first DAG run is triggered. Supposes there is a cron expression @daily or0 0 * * *, which is aimed to run at 12AM every day. If you enable DAGs using the two timetables at 3PM on January31st, CronTriggerTimetable will trigger a new DAG run at 12AM on February 1st. CronDataIntervalTimetable, on the otherhand, will immediately trigger a new DAG run which is supposed to trigger at 12AM on January 31st if the DAG had beenenabled beforehand.

This is another example showing the difference in the case of skipping DAG runs. Suppose there are two running DAGsusing the two timetables with a cron expression @daily or 0 0 * * *. If you pause the DAGs at 3PM on January31st and re-enable them at 3PM on February 2nd, CronTriggerTimetable skips the DAG runs which are supposed totrigger on February 1st and 2nd. The next DAG run will be triggered at 12AM on February 3rd. CronDataIntervalTimetable,on the other hand, skips the DAG runs which are supposed to trigger on February 1st only. A DAG run for February 2ndis immediately triggered after you re-enable the DAG.

Japan has an extensive and efficient train network; however, without an intimate knowledge of the system, its complexity can make it difficult to figure out an efficient route. On top of that, while most railway, bus and ferry companies publish their timetables online, few offer good English language resources. Luckily there are several good English online route finders available on the internet to help travelers navigate the railway system in Japan. ff782bc1db

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