
I actively communicate my research to the public in various ways. For example, I actively write op-eds and guest posts about my work, e.g., for the Impact London School of Economics Impact Blog or INOMICS. Aside from 'pure' research, I comment on topical economic policy issues, such as the plans for the digital euro in the Wirtschaftsdienst (in German). Furthermore, I engage with the media to inform journalists about the research findings of my publications. Important outlets that covered my work are The Economist, The Guardian, The i newspaper, The London Times, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, FOCUS, n-tvRheinische Post, Frankfurter Rundschau,  or Business Insider. My work on the productivity effects of Covid-19 has been also featured in impactful books. Lastly, I publicly communicate my work in online lectures and seminars, such as ROSES (see the recordings below) or an expert panel of the OASPA association. By doing so, I even reached out to leading politicians, such as the Federal Secretary of Health in Germany, Karl Lauterbach. 

In 2024, I will be an invited speaker and panelist on open access in academia at the "Open Access Days" and the Annual Meetings of the German Economics Association.

Academic Awards

Book Features of My Work

Online Seminar Presentations

Prominent Social Media Features