
Latest Book:

Sacred Trust, a work of fiction - Now available in paperback!

“An existential environmental time bomb - in the form of a massive powerline - is about to explode an entire way of life for the people of the North Country. Nine unlikely heroes - rock climbers, paddlers, a deer farmer and a former spook - are all that stands between the people and their worst nightmare.”

This is their story . . .


Asquamchumaukee - Place of Mountain Waters

A photographic journey through the Baker River Valley of New Hampshire.

In the heart of New Hampshire, the geographic center of the state, is a beautiful meandering river that is the focal point of a very special community of people and a landscape that grows into the heart like a spreading wildfire. The Baker River, called Asquamchumaukee by the original natives of the region, is an archetype of a river flowing freely along the Baker River Valley in the southern foothills of New Hampshire's White Mountains and to the east of the Upper Valley Region, beginning with the fast flowing waters of the Moosilaukee region and ending in broad lugubrious oxbows where it meets the Pemigewasset River. Read more.


An hommage to humanity's shared tradition

Images of washday by Wayne D. King

Available in a signed limited edition ($250.00) and a open edition paperback ($44.88) and hardcover ($59.99)

More information.

A Spot on the Porch

A celebration of Rumney and the Baker Valley in Images on the occasion of the town's 250th anniversary. More.

Available from

Paperback $34.99

Hardcover $54.88

Creating Electronic Communities (1997) Wayne D. King, Philip K. Bates III, and Chidi Nwachukwu - Out of print

Books in progress

Washday Revisited

Photoexpressionist Mindscapes - Creations from the mind of Wayne D. King

Steady Hands & Open Hearts - Reinventing and Rebuilding the American Idea in a Post-Trump World

Stories the Need Tellin'

New for 2021!
New Hampshire - A Love Story