Sway Testing

Sway Testing is an application used to take baseline and post-injury tests. The test includes: balance, memory, impulse control, inspection and reaction time. 

Student-athletes will complete a baseline test every other year (ex 7th, 9th, 11th). Any student who has not participated in Watford City Athletics will complete a baseline test regardless of grade level. This testing will be completed with the Athletic Trainer.

Sway tests are used to establish a baseline test. In the case of a concussed athlete, we will use Sway to help determine their current mental state. This is not the only tool used for diagnosing a concussion. Sway helps us track progress throughout the return to play process, with the goal of reaching baseline scores. 

Sway Medical - Athletes need to download the app on their phone for initial baseline testing. They may delete the app once they have completed baseline testing.

Google Play Store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.swaymedical.Sway&hl=en_US&gl=US&pli=1 

Apple App Store - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sway-medical/id657932025