Precipitation lab preparation

Associated lecture materials

Contents of this module

The hypsometric method

The first part of this lab activity is to practice using the hypsometric method for estimating watershed precipitation for high-relief watersheds. If you wish to follow along with the video, download the Excel template for the hypsometric method. Thanks to Boise State University for the foundations of this lab exercise.

Link to download MS Excel template for the hypsometric method 


The following video provides a detailed description of the hypsometric method and the use of the spreadsheet above to perform it (21:39).

Heat exchange and snowmelt

The second part of this lab is to build a relatively simple spreadsheet for estimating the energy required for snowmelt. This will be good practice in understanding the nature of energy budgets, specific heat, and latent heat. The following material from lecture is especially critical for understanding how to complete this activity (22:00).

Wet bulb temperature and humidity

Using wet and dry bulb temperatures to estimate relative humidity with a sling psychrometer (7:20 min).