Steering Group

A steering group was set up by the Parish Council to help facilitate creating the neighbourhood plan.

This group consists of some Parish Councillors as well as other interested village residents. If you are interested in contributing we are always keen to hear from people as it is your plan.

Steering Group Members

We're the team writing the Neighbourhood Plan for the village of Waterbeach in Cambridgeshire.

Steering Group membership was initially drawn from volunteers of the Parish, each main habitation area of the parish is represented on the steering group and a number of residents with specific skills have been co-opted to help on occasion throughout the preparation of the plan. Our core team consists of villagers who hold dear the best interest of Waterbeach, along with a technical expert / consultant to guide us through the process.

Meet the Team:

Brian Williams – Vice Chair of Waterbeach Parish Council, Brian also chairs the NP steering group to provide a link between the NP and the Parish Council. Brian has contributed greatly to the green spaces section of the plan. 2015 - Present

Jane Williams – An integral person in the village, and prominent member of the Parish Council, Jane is always engaged and committed to every aspect of Waterbeach. Jane has worked in Business and is now self employed as a Fitness Instructor. Jane believes that Waterbeach has always been a wonderful place for children to live and grow, and because of the wonderful life she has been privileged to enjoy, she would like to give something back to the community. By being part of the Neighbourhood Plan, she can therefore ensuring that Waterbeach stays beautiful and is looked after. Jane has focused her attentions on Chapter 7 of the NP and specifically to the rat running and commuter parking within Waterbeach, as she is very passionate about the easily accessible countryside around the village, where she enjoys running. Jane is also a volunteer planner, trustee and branch committee member for the Campaign to protect rural England. She is also a member of the community liaisons group for the National Wicken Fen Vision. 2015 – Present

Jane Williamson – Another key member of both Waterbeach Parish Council and the NP, Jane is actively involved in many aspects of life in this village through the various activities she is or has been involved with over the almost 50 years that she has been living in the village! Jane has focused her attentions on the protecting the heritage of the parish, as well as other protected and green spaces. Jane is on various committees and a true gem to this village! 2015 – Present

Paul Bearpark – Paul has lived in the village for 20 years and has spear-headed our transport initiative for the NP. During the development of the NP Paul has enjoyed learning more about the village, and its history and is passionate about working with local people in shaping the future of Waterbeach. As our local cycling champion and founding member of the Waterbeach cycling campaign in 2016, Paul is actively involved in improving the options for safe and pleasant active travel in the area spear-heading our travel and transport initiative for the NP. 2016 – Present

Jonathan Taylor - Jonathan focused his attentions on the Village Heart and Community Activities, specifically focusing on consulting with local residents, and enjoyed determining how our Neighbourhood Plan can support the broad spectrum of existing community groups. 2015 – 2019

Ian Bracey – As the founding Member of Waterbeach Community Land Trust, , a valued member of the NP Steering group, and keen photographer with an obvious eye for beauty, Ian has been very involved in the affordable housing aspect and has looked after our NP surveys. Ian has also split his time and expertise between the Housing aspect, Design Character and Heritage for the NP. 2015 – Present

Belinda Westwood Administrator Extraordinaire – Belinda joined the NP team in 2018 and has been involved in securing grant funding for the NP whilst undertaking the Administration of the Neighbourhood Plan, which she hopes to see through to completion. 2018 - Present

Rachel Hogger Neighbourhood Plan Consultant – MRTPI – Rachel consults to the Waterbeach NP and works on behalf of Cambridgeshire ACRE. She has been a great source of knowledge and has helped us navigate through the complicated Neighbourhood Plan.

Honourable mention to past volunteers:

Katie Lucas – Katie was part of the initial stages of the NP and assisted between 2015 -2018

John Lewis – Jhon was part of the initial stages of the NP and assisted between 2015 -2016

Myra Gaunt – Myra was part of the initial stages of the NP and assisted between 2015 - 2016