Housing Working Group

Housing Objective

"Enable local residents and workers to access appropriate local housing provision"

Key Aims

  • Make it easier for people to live and work in the same place
  • High quality, well designed, sustainable houses which people want to live in, suit a variety of needs and can afford

Possible Policies

The group is currently looking at a number of possible policies some of which include:

  • A range of affordable housing tenures and what the mix should be
  • Community led housing including self-build and CLT
  • Local connection policy on some affordable housing
  • Range of sizes for market housing
  • Establish a Community Housing Association
  • Establish a Village Design Guide

We are also reviewing the results of the Objectives Survey to inform policies.

Evidence of Housing Need

Existing Planning Policies

  • Emerging Local Plan policy SS/5: Waterbeach New Town. A strategic site allocation for delivery of a new town of approximately 8,000 to 9,000 dwellings to north of existing village. The policy states that the final number of dwellings will be determined through a design-led approach and spatial framework diagram included in a Supplementary Planning Document (which is due for consultation in May 2018)
  • Policy S/7 Development Frameworks (restricts development to within Development Frameworks but also allows for additional where this is brought forward via a Neighbourhood Plan)
  • Policy S/9 Minor Rural Centres (identifies Waterbeach village as a Minor Rural Centre where residential development up to 30 dwellings will be permitted within the Development Frameworks)
  • Policy NH/11 Protected Village Amenity (development will not be permitted within or adjacent to these areas if it would have an adverse impact on the character, amenity, tranquility or function of the village)
  • Policy NH/12 Local Green Space, identifies 5 areas within NP area to be protected as Local Green Spaces), Policy NH/14 Scheduled Ancient Monument (applicable to Denny Abbey)
  • Policy E/15 Established Employment area (applicable to Denny End Road Industrial Estate), Policy H11 (Residential Space Standards for Market Housing)

Minutes of Sub Group Meetings