Erasmus+ Water4Life
Sustainable use of a vital resource
Clean and accessible water is the precondition for life and almost all human activities. Water will most certainly be one of the most contested resources in the world. At the same time, we are witnessing a young generation that cares about our planet and takes to the streets to demand action against climate change. Water plays a major role in all our partner schools’ regions by some means or other: Either it is a plentiful resource in northern and central Europe where it sustains life in manifold still healthy aquatic ecosystems and can easily be used for various purposes. On the other hand, all partner schools’ areas face distinctively different problems concerning water quality and quantity: water shortage and contamination, dryland salinity, floods and flood control…
Therefore, this project will motivate participants not only to examine their own (often wasteful) use of water but also to discuss the differences and similarities in the regional water-related issues. Doing so, the students will learn how to handle water resources sustainably and responsibly.
For our project's precise objectives open the drop-down box
Our project’s basic objective is to share our concerns on clean water on an international level. When thinking about the future, for youngsters, these kinds of projects are meaningful in order to shape their attitudes and beliefs towards current issues of global importance. Students are eventually supposed to function as multipliers to spread their obtained thematic as well as methodical knowledge in their social surroundings.
More specifically, we are planning to approach, within the frames of formal and informal education, the following:
Responding to the needs for exchange and transmission of good practices among schools and teachers, b. Encouragement of active participation and empowerment of the abilities that relate to environmental protection, c. Contribution to the substantial communication and cooperation of individuals and peoples,
Promotion of ICT usage and open digital education techniques in order to improve the quality of education at all levels,
Creating connections between schools and companies.
In accordance with our selected priorities and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the project’s most important thematic objective is to raise the students overall environmental awareness and to trigger changes in attitudes and habits promoting not only a responsible use of water, but also a sensitisation for general environmental protection in all fields of society. In that way, students are empowered to assess all of their actions by critical thinking and thus are enabled to develop alternative sustainable courses of action to master future challenges and to safeguard our environment for future generations.
The project’s methodical objective - in line with the chosen priorities - is to support students in acquiring basic and enhancing existing digital skills and competences by using ICT devices, media and applications/programs for communication, for the creation of digital learning and teaching products (see below) as well as for online publication. This includes the topics of safe-surfing the Internet, social media rules and effective strategies of Internet research (DigComp 2.1).
Our project's main focus will be the creation of interactive posters and QR code-containing print posters on different water-related issues that link various kinds of digital products compiled within the two years of project duration such as:
Information resources for various target groups inside and outside of school,
Digital teaching and learning videos,
Digital or digitally created teaching materials e.g. for Biology, Chemistry, Geography (worksheets, surveys, games, quizzes),
Various role play settings on water, environment and sustainability to be used in various subjects,
Workshop/concept/module for extracurricular activities (e.g. for a project week or an environmental day),
Creative photo album/calendar on water.
Schools froms Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece and Finland take part in our Erasmus+ project.
These are our topics...
Each country designed a logo for our project. Here you can find all drafts and the winner logo.
How much water do we usually consume?