Paint stand

I have designed and created this stand in two sizes, one to hold 1/32 to 1/24 scale and the other to hold 1/43 to 1/64th scale model car body whilst spray painting.

The spring pushed the legs apart against the inside of the car body, the rubber rings help to hold it securely in place. The angle of the arms can be adjusted and locked in place with the locking clamp.

Normal 1/32 to 1/24

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The handle is loose in the base and can easily be lifted out to paint and put back in between coats to hold the jig while the paint cures. The handle can be glued into the base for a permanent assembly if preferred.

The base has 4 x 3mm countersunk screw holes to allow you fasten the base to something like a work bench if required. this may be required if heavy die cast aluminium bodies are used with the stand at an angle to stop it tipping over

The stand is made from PLA plastic material so should not be exposed to temperatures in excess of 40Deg C. The locking nut is designed to hold the angle the jig is set at, over tightening will cause damage

Mini 1/48 to 1/32

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Full assembly instructions provided on the instructions page.