

Rank-Loner/Medicine Cat

Mate: N/A

Age: 130 Moons (10 years and 10 months

Apprentice: Swiftberry

Injury's: Had went with Swiftberry to the Moonstone to earn his name and had ran into a fox. They were able to chase it away but not before Yewleaf had sustained her injury's. She retired as A medicine cat and had became an elder. She however felt useless to the clan and ran away to live her life as a Loner.

Clan: Loner.


Her mother had died kitting and by a yew bush, due to this her father had named her Yewkit and never looked her in the eye again. Blaming her for her mothers death. She never saw herself as a queen or warrior so she became an Medicine cat apprentice. She became very good at what she does, but due to the fact she never had her biological parents in her life other then her adoptive she became very hateful to the world. But she does have a very good relationship with her adoptive mother and father, same with her adoptive litter mates. Lilypelt, Birchwhisker, and Rabbitfoot, and her apprentice Swiftberry.

Markings: No recognizable markings other then the tips of her ears and white patch on her chest. (Along with her injury's)

Personality: Cynical and rude, but is caring to those she treats. Shows softness only when needed or required (Mainly to the kits.) Is willing to give advice or help to anyone that needs it.

Sexuality: Straight Asexual

Gender: Female.


In Universe

  • If Yewberry were to die it would be from an animal attack or on her own terms.

  • She is the only kit that her mother had, while her father had another litter.

  • She still has a soft spot for Swiftberry, He is the closest thing she has to her own kit.

  • It's theorized that she's from Shadow Clan, but no one knows for sure, as she was found just outside of Thunderclan borders. Only She, and the now dead leader (Dawnstar) Knows.