About me.


Hello! I'm Moonlite! (Or Moony!)

I was born nearly 16 years ago, I grew up in Ohio and plan on joining the Navy when I turn 18, I am Omnisexual and a Demi-Girl. I go by They/Them and She/Her pronouns. I am Christian, but I do not care what gender, who you date and love, or what your race is, I shall show you respect.

I had first started reading Warriors when I was in the 7th grade. I had gotten to the 4th book of The Prophecy's Begin before having to drop the book series till nearly 3 years later. Currently, I'm now listening to the audio books in the series. Starting with Into the Wild.

I enjoy reading, and I love series like Warriors. I also love Drawing and writing. As can see by my many accounts on Fanfiction websites. Currently I plan on running my own business for graphic design and want to become an Author. However if that plan fails I may become a Teacher for English or History.

History Shall be preserved, History should not be destroyed. If you think it's Ugly and evil, Then that's Good! It should be! In certain things.

This is it about me, but I know I will still have Stories to make and Tell.

~Stay Bright.~

Tips For Warriors:

  • Do not Get attached to any character!

  • If you noticed any continuity errors, The series is written by 2 to 3 people! So some Errors are expected.

  • If you end up crying, you are not weak!