

Rank: Warrior


Age: 29 moons (2 years and 5 months.)

Injury's: Claw marks on his face and body from the fox attack he had.


Born to Sunnymist and Duskshade. He grew close to the clan's Medicine cat Yewleaf. The two grew very close and this caused Swiftberry to become an apprentice. While Yewleaf was serious and cold, he was hopeful and caring.

When he and Yewleaf was heading to the Moonstone they ran into a fox and it attacked them. They had fought it off but Yewleaf was badly injured. As a unofficial final assignment, he had to find the right herbs to help her. She survived and they made it.

He was deeply sadden from Yewleaf running away and it still stays in his mind.

Clan: Thunder Clan

Markings- a grey raccoon-like mask is on his face, and cyan eyes

Personality: Very quiet, has problems of getting attached with certain clan members, was affected the most when Yewleaf ran away. He has not taken any apprentice yet, as he feared for getting attached to his apprentice and them end up dying. He slowly is growing more and more cold as each case that killed a cat.

Sexuality: Straight.

Gender: Male.


In Universe

  • Due to the rumors of Yewberry helping some cats, he hopes to see her again.

  • If he were to die it would be due to the fact that he dies from old age,on his own terms, or for protecting someone from the clan.