The PTA supports our school by:

  • helping to fund Science Lab

  • giving money to each classroom

  • landscaping in the Kindergarten playground

  • providing playground equipment

  • supporting the new playground map art

  • providing picnic benches

  • buying blinds for the Multipurpose Room

Become a Member

The Parent Teacher Association is a partnership between families and educators to enrich our children’s education. PTA membership encourages parent involvement and support of Warm Springs Elementary. We welcome all families (new and returning) to become members and help make our school great!

There is NO volunteer obligation when you become a PTA member.

To Join the PTA Scan the QA code from your mobile and proceed or Click Join PTA Now Button.

PTA Membership Benefits:

  • You show your child that you are invested in their success.

  • You connect with other parents and the community.

  • You make sure your voice is heard when important decisions at our school are made.

  • You partner with the principal, teachers to make your child’s school safe, welcoming, and a fun place to be.

  • PTA membership perks, including discounts to: Aquarium of the Pacific, Farm Fresh to You and many more.

10 Myths About Joining the PTA

#1. Only moms and teachers need to join the PTAFALSE! A strong PTA needs the support of parents, family members, teachers, school staff, and community members. Anyone who cares about children belongs in the PTA!
#2 Joining the PTA means I have to volunteer.FALSE! The PTA appreciates everyone's membership, whether or not a member volunteers. You will not be sucked in to a black hole of volunteering!
#3 The PTA is only for stay-at-home parents with nothing else to do.FALSE! Your fellow PTA members are family and community members who want to support the kids and the school. Most members are juggling workbills, household chores, kids, sports, and homework, just like you!
#4 I was a PTA member last year, I only have to join once.FALSE! With each new school year, a new PTA membership year begins. Your PTA membership will be good for this entire year!
#5 I don't have the time to join the PTA.FALSE! If you are unable to volunteer your time, please consider becoming a member of the PTA and give your financial support. You will have thesatisfaction of knowing that your support helps fund events and activities for the children throughout the school year!
#6 1 have to be a board member or chair a committee to join the PTA. FALSE! You do not have to serve on the PTA Board or chair a committee to join the PTA.Your beautiful smile and wonderful support will suffice!
#7 I'll get roped into volunteering if I attend a PTA meetingFALSE! There will be opportunities to get involved, but no pressure. Just pass by the signup sheets if you are unable to participate. No judgment here!
#8 My child's life will be the same whether or not I join the PTA.FALSE! Not only does membership put you in direct communication with other parents and teachers, it shows your child that you are interested andinvested in their educational experience.
#9 The PTA has all the help they need. FALSE! The PTA always wants and always needs volunteers! If you choose to volunteer, you decide your time commitment.
#10 I have an idea but the PTA isn't interested.FALSE! New Ideas are always welcome! We look forward to hearing them! email us.