Best Shots

This is the first assignment that I am picking the pictures by myself, I also asked my friend for opinion when picking my pictures. It is interesting to see my how much pictures I take through out the year. At the beginning of the year, I didn't even know how to use the rule of thirds. Until now, I understand how to use aperture and shutter speed. It is a hard decision because some shots didn't use the element of principle as best as it could.

I like this picture because the texture of the hoop is clearly shown.

The way each color pencil catch light in the picture is drawing viewer's attention.

I like this picture because the sushi look delicious.

This black and white picture, and the fact that it is raining, makes it look sad. The girl in the front and the boy in the back forms a leading line between them.

I like this picture because the girl's hair is flying in the air and it feels like the girl is dancing.

I like this picture because the girl is jumping in the air and she is right is the middle of the picture. There's no too much headroom in the picture.

The girl and the boy is trying to high five in the air and I caught this picture by using fast shutter speed.

This picture provides the viewer vintage feel because the fact that the picture is black and white and the girl is wearing a rounded frame glasses.

This picture displays the girl's innocent through her smile.

This picture shows a leading line by using the bar handle.

This is another picture that show the air walk has a leading line towards the middle with bars at both sides.

I like this picture because the repetition of shadows creates a feeling of small cities.

I like this picture because each shadow in the holes are almost the same, it creates a sense of repetition.

I like this picture because the shadow of fire hydrant and the bars is making the viewer look at the picture diagonally.

I like this picture because the green leave at the bottom left corner is drawing my attention to the picture.