
For this assignment, we chose one of the three stairs on campus and took pictures of them at different angles. It was hard for me at the beginning because I didn't know that we were suppose to take pictures of the staircase, and I was trying to find things to take pictures of on campus, it was an interesting search. When I took pictures of staircases, I tried to bend down and get shots at different perspectives.

This photo helps to create a movement for the viewer, so it seems like when someone is going up or walking down the stairs, they can see this view of the stair.

For this picture, the green leaves at the bottom helps bring the viewer's eyes into the picture. If we look at the actual staircase, it shows a vertical line straight down at the right side of the picture. This shows an element of angle by being on the second floor of H building.

This picture creates an element of balance between the branches, leaves, the building and staircase. The leaves at the bottom of the picture first catches the viewer's attention. Then they see the whole picture of the stairs along with the grey color building. The trees at the back of the staircase shows that they a further apart and darker from the yellow leaves at the front.