
Learning Lab and Academic Support

The AP Learning Labs are located in both F202 (Dr. Brisini's room) and F208 (Ms. Thatcher's room). They are accessbile any morning before school (except Wednesdays), after school, and during all lunches.  

Graduation Honor Recognitions

Advanced Studies

Complete 6 AP courses with an average of 85, 10 hours of community service a year, and lecture series attendance

Advances Studies with Distinction

All previous requirements, plus complete 7 AP courses with an average of 85

Advanced Studies with Highest Distinction

All previous requirements, plus complete 9 AP courses with an average of 85

Lecture Series

For the 2022-23 school year, students will need to attend 4 lectures.  These lectures can be online or in person.  Please check with the AP Academy Google Classroom page for opportunities or you may search for your own possible lectures.  If you are attending a scheduled lecture at Wando High, please make sure you sign in when you arrive.  All on campus lectures will have either a sign up sheet or an electronic sign up.  If you attend a lecture independent from the lectures offered through the AP Academy, please complete this form.