World Life Series
Explore the world 5 images per week with animal and bird images.
$15 per year / $5 cancellation (except people with the Discount Card)
Only 5% tax, which is used to improve the site.
Total cost - $15.75 - One subscription
Discount Card
Have a card number to receive awesome discounts and no cancellation fees.
20% discount - Visible Card (V) - $5 per month - $50 per year
30% discount - Ultraviolet Card (UV) - $7 per month - $70 per year
50% discount - Infrared Card (IR) - $10 per month - $100 per year
75% discount - Premium Card (P)- $ 15 per month - $150 per year
There are no cancellation fees to pay if you wish to cancel the card.
Only 5% tax, which is used to improve the site.
Sample card number - AB-123456-CD-V