Wallpapers Web

The best wallpaper site - the one you are looking for

Wallpapers Web

Welcome to Wallpapers Web, the best wallpaper site full of free images that we brought to you.  This site is constantly under update, which expresses our will to always make you see new images and find the awesome image that perfectly fits in your desktop. To start exploring our increasing image stock, click on the buttons to the right or below.  Also use our sidebar to see more image folders. We think you will really like the Spotlights section of this site! If you found this site awesome, share this QR Code to the right or to the bottom with another person! We know that you will fin the perfect image for your awesome desktop. Enjoy!


Bird Images

We are planning a feature for all bird lovers: a site that has plenty of bird images for you to use as backgrounds! There will be all images that we can have of them, and those that are in our site. We hope that you will like it when we launch it!

World Life Series

We want to announce the World Life Series, a new image collection with lots of animal and bird images. You get 5 images in your inbox per week, featuring different animal and bird images. Inscriptions per year cost $15, and a $5 fee should be paid for cancellation. A yearly renewal is required. Note that the image to the left is not on the series. Check more information at our shop section. 

Discount Card

If you want to save some money, we want to announce the Discount Card, which offers up to 75% discount in premium subscriptions. We are still working in this feature. See more information on our new shop section. 


In Wallpapers Web, we want to exponentially increase our image quantity. With that, a donations section for you to show appreciation to this site by offering some money.  Because we already have a domain and an email, we know are planning to have a bank account. Check out for these updates in this page by clicking here.