Principal Investigator
Brett Walker
Current Lab Members
Aislinn Fox
PhD candidate
foxae (at)
Pan-Canadian sources and cycling of particulate organic matter using radiocarbon and stable isotopes
Niels Hauksson
Postdoctoral Scholar
nhauksso (at)
Fate and transformation of Petrogenic DOM and POM from Surface Oil Seeps in a Coastal California River System
Ava McIlvaine
PhD student
amcilvai (at)
Isotopic and Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Molecules in the Pan-Canadian Arctic
Megha Rudresh
Assistant Specialist
rmegha (at)
Makayla Ward
PhD student
makaylw1 (at)
Testing the marine microbial carbon pump using carbon and nitrogen isotopes of high-resolution size fractions across the organic matter size continuum
Sabrina Vargas
Honors BSc
Evaluating Biomarkers Present in the Pacific Ocean Using Novel Proton (1H) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
Former Lab Members
Shayna Dehaan
Honors BSc (2023), University of Ottawa
1H-NMR Evidence for the Cycling of Labile and Recalcitrant Compound Classes in the Ocean
Liam Jasperse
MSc (2024), University of Ottawa
Evaluating the biogeochemistry of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago using stable and radiocarbon isotopes
Kayla McKee
MSc (2024), University of Ottawa
Cycling of bioavailable carboxyl-rich alicyclic molecules and carbohydrates in Baffin Bay
*currently at André E. Lalonde AMS Facility
Shanie Nikolajew
Honors BSc (2023), University of Ottawa
[co-advised with Clement Bataille]
Thesis: Radiocarbon and stable isotopes as tracers of Narwhal migration and foraging behavoir in the Canadian Arctic
Lauren O'Reilly
MSc (2024), University of Ottawa
Pan-Canadian Arctic cycling of marine dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen
*currently Ph.D. student at Dalhousie University
Ewan Smith
Honors BSc (2024), University of Ottawa
Cycling of Marine Carboxylic-Rich Alicyclic Molecules (CRAM) in the Southern Ocean and Beyond
Sara Zeidan
MSc (2021), University of Ottawa
Radiocarbon (∆14C) and stable carbon (δ13C) isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in Baffin Bay
Currently at Health Canada