Marine organic BIOgeochemistry

university of ottawa

We will be moving in summer to
University of California, Irvine! 

please contact me at

Our research is focused on the biogeochemical cycling of marine carbon and nitrogen on modern to millennial timescales. We use stable isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) measurements coupled with radiocarbon dating (14C) and novel analytical chemistry tools to constrain sources, sinks and chemical transformations of dissolved and particulate organic matter in the sea. We are particularly interested in understanding how marine microbes transform detrital organic matter, ultimately allowing for atmospheric C to be stored in the deep sea.

NEW Graduate student opportunities

Are you concerned about global climate change? Are you interseted in the marine carbon cycle? Our lab is always interested in speaking with potential graduate students with Earth and Environmental, or Chemistry backgrounds to work on several funded projects related to our Canada Research Chairs and Discovery Grant programs. Please contact us if interested.