Webster Adult Basic Education Linkages

Empowering you to achieve your own goals and dreams -  Together We Can Do This!

The mission of the Webster Adult Basic Education Linkages Program is to partner with adults to strengthen life-wide potential as workers, family members, and citizens through basic education. 

Our Vision

We establish a caring, life-long partnership with you to help you identify and follow your career and/or education goals . We accomplish this through

What is Offered:

Adult Basic Education - prepares students with the academic skills necessary to finish high school by earning a HiSet (High School Equivalency Test) or GED (General Education Diploma).

English for Speakers of Other Languages - equips non-native speakers of English, at Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels, with academic instruction and support in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening as they set and work towards personal goals that assist them in becoming more active and engaged community members.

Personalized Advising Support - equips students, through partnerships with teachers and advisors, in targeting personal, academic, and life goals by expanding core academic skills in a real-life context. 

View brochure to see class offerings!