Victor Verdugo

Pontificia Universidad Católica de  Chile
Institute for Mathematical and Computational Engineering (IMC)
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (DIIS)

Campus San Joaquín PUC, Santiago, Chile. 📪  victor.verdugo at

I'm an assistant professor at the Institute for Mathematical and Computational Engineering and the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at PUC. I'm also a principal researcher of the Information and Computation in Market Design project; visit our website to learn more about our project and the team.


(6/2024) I'm giving talks at the Online Resource Allocation Workshop at TheoryFest-STOC 2024 in Vancouver, and IPCO 2024 in Wroclaw

(5/2024) During the second semester, I'll teach Randomized Algorithms, and Stochastic Models.

(1/2024) I was awarded an ANID Fondecyt Regular Grant for the period 2024-2028.

Some recent articles

Splitting Guarantees for Prophet Inequalities via Nonlinear Systems (J. Brustle, S. Perez-Salazar, V. Verdugo), 2024.
Monotone Randomized Apportionment (J. Correa,  P. Gölz, U. Schmidt-Kraepelin, J. Tucker-Foltz, V. Verdugo), EC 2024.
The Competition Complexity of Prophet Inequalities  (J. Brustle, J. Correa, P. Dütting, T. Ezra, M. Feldman, V. Verdugo), EC 2024.

Online Combinatorial Assignment in Independence Systems  (J. Marinkovic, J. Soto, V. Verdugo), IPCO 2024.

A 2-Approximation for the Bounded Treewidth Sparsest Cut Problem in FPT Time (V. Cohen-Addad, T. Mömke, V. Verdugo), Mathematical Programming, 2024.

The Competition Complexity of Dynamic Pricing (J. Brustle, J. Correa, P. Dütting , V. Verdugo), Mathematics of Operations Research, 2023.

Apportionment with Parity Constraints (C. Mathieu, V. Verdugo), Mathematical Programming, 2023.

Multidimensional Political Apportionment (J. Cembrano, J. Correa, V. Verdugo), Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), 2022. 


My research is organized into three main lines:

- The design of algorithms for electoral systems and social choice.
- The design of algorithms for stochastic optimal stopping, pricing, and matching.
- The design of approximation algorithms for graph optimization problems.


Matías Valenzuela, MSc in Mathematical and Computational Engineering PUC (expected 2025, co-advised with Cristóbal Guzmán). Topic:  Differential Privacy
Ignacia Segura, MSc in Operations Management UChile (expected 2024, co-advised with José Correa).  Topic:  Pricing Mechanisms
Roberto Oliva, MSc in Operations Management UOH (expected 2024, co-advised with Waldo Gálvez). Topic:  Packing and Scheduling
Carlos Bozo,  MSc in Mathematical Modeling and AI UOH (expected December 2023, co-advised with Waldo Gálvez).  Topic:  Diverse Paging
Consuelo González, MSc in Operations Management UOH, 2024 (co-advised with Waldo Gálvez).  Topic:  Welfare vs Equity Trade-offs
Lía Reyes, MSc in Operations Management UOH, 2024 (co-advised with Waldo Gálvez). Topic: LP-based Political Districting
Javier Cembrano, MSc in Operations Management UChile, 2021 (co-advised with José Correa). PhD student at TU-Berlin. Topic: Multidimensional Apportionment 

Short Bio

I did my undergrad and MSc studies in mathematical engineering and operations management at UChile. I graduated in 2018 with a joint PhD in Computer Science and Engineering Systems from École normale supérieure and Universidad de Chile.  During my PhD studies, I was part of the TALGO group at ENS and the ACGO group at UChile, and I worked on the design of algorithms for scheduling using LP/SDP hierarchies and in the design of competitive algorithms for the matroid secretary problem. I was fortunate to be guided and advised by José Correa and Claire Mathieu. After graduating, I joined the Institute of Engineering Sciences at Universidad de O'Higgins in July 2018. I was on leave from 2019 to 2020 to join the Department of Mathematics at the London School of Economics as a postdoc (LSE Fellow). I joined the IMC/DIIS at PUC in March 2024.