
You can also check my Google Scholar, DBLP, and ORCID  entries.

 24. Splitting Guarantees for Prophet Inequalities via Nonlinear Systems. J. Brustle, S. Perez-Salazar, V. Verdugo. Submitted, 2024. [Arxiv] 23. Monotone Randomized Apportionment.  J. Correa,  P.Gölz, U. Schmidt-Kraepelin, J. Tucker-Foltz, V. Verdugo. EC 2024. [Arxiv]  
22. The Competition Complexity of Prophet Inequalities. J. Brustle, J. Correa,  P. Dütting, T. Ezra, M. Feldman, V. Verdugo. EC 2024. [Arxiv]  
21. Online Combinatorial Assignment in Independence Systems. J. Marinkovic, J. Soto, V. Verdugo. IPCO 2024 [Arxiv] [IPCO] 
20. A 2-Approximation for the Bounded Treewidth Sparsest Cut Problem in FPT Time. V. Cohen-Addad, T. Mömke, V. Verdugo.  Mathematical Programming, 2024. IPCO 2022  [Arxiv] [MathProg] 
19. The Competition Complexity of Dynamic Pricing. J. Brustle, J. Correa, P. Dütting, V. Verdugo. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2023. EC 2022 [EC] [MathOR]  
18. Apportionment with Parity Constraints. C. Mathieu, V. Verdugo. Mathematical Programming, 2023. [Arxiv] [MathProg]  
17. Multidimensional Political Apportionment. J. Cembrano, J. Correa, V. Verdugo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), 2022. EC 2021, [SSRN] [EC] [PNAS].      
16. Approximation Schemes for Packing Problems with Lp-norm Diversity Constraints. W. Gálvez, V. Verdugo. LATIN 2022. [PDF]
15. The Convergence Rates of Blockchain Mining Games: A Markovian Approach. A. Jofré, A. Pardo, D. Salas, V. Verdugo, J. Verschae.  [Arxiv]
14. Proportional Apportionment: A Case Study From the Chilean Constitutional Convention. J. Cembrano, J. Correa, G. Diaz, Victor Verdugo. EAAMO 2021 [EAAMO].
13. Preserving Diversity when Partitioning: A Geometric Approach. S. Pérez-Salazar, A. Torrico, V. Verdugo. EAAMO 2021 [Arxiv]
12. Optimal Revenue Guarantees for Pricing in Large Markets. J. Correa, D. Pizarro, V. Verdugo.  SAGT 2021 [SAGT]  
11. Strong algorithms for the ordinal matroid secretary problem. J. Soto, A. Turkieltaub, V. Verdugo.  Mathematics of Operations Research, 2021. SODA 2018 [Arxiv] [SODA] [MathOR]
10. Breaking symmetries to rescue Sum of Squares in the case of makespan scheduling. V. Verdugo, J. Verschae, A. Wiese. Mathematical Programming, 2020. IPCO 2019 [Arxiv] [IPCO] [MathProg]
9. On the extension complexity of scheduling. H. Raj Tiwary, V. Verdugo, A. Wiese. Operations Research Letters, 2020. [Arxiv] [ORL]
8. Skyline Computation Under Noisy Comparisons. B. Groz, C. Mathieu, F. Mallmann-Trenn, V. Verdugo. IWOCA 2020 [Arxiv] [IWOCA]
7. From pricing to prophets and back! J. Correa, P. Foncea, D. Pizarro, V. Verdugo. Operations Research Letters, 2019. [ORL]  
6. Semidefinite and linear programming integrality gaps for scheduling identical machines.  A. Kurpisz, M. Mastrolilli, C. Mathieu, T. Mömke, A. Wiese, V. Verdugo. Mathematical Programming, 2017. IPCO 2016 [IPCO] [MathProg]
5. A scheduling model inspired by control theory. S. Baruah, V. Bonifaci, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, V. Verdugo. RTNS 2017 [RTNS]
4. How large is your graph? V. Kanade, F. Mallmann-Trenn, V. Verdugo. DISC 2017, PODC 2017 (brief announcement) [Arxiv] [DISC] [PODC]          
3. Splitting versus setup trade-offs for scheduling to minimize weighted completion times. J. Correa, J. Verschae, V. Verdugo. Operations Research Letters, 2016. [ORL]
2. Strong LP formulations for scheduling splittable jobs on unrelated machines. J. Correa, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, J. Matuschke, L. Stougie, O. Svensson, J. Verschae, V. Verdugo. Mathematical Programming, 2015. IPCO 2014 [IPCO] [MathProg]
1. Split scheduling with uniform setup times. F. Schalekamp, R. Sitters, S. van der Ster, L. Stougie, A. van Zuylen, V. Verdugo. Journal of Scheduling, 2015. [Arxiv][JSched]                                                                                                       
PhD thesis. Convex and Online Optimization: Applications to Scheduling and Selection Problems. École normale supérieure and Universidad de Chile, June 2018  [pdf]