Online Resource Allocation

The aim of resource allocation is to efficiently distribute limited resources to fulfill a set of requests while optimizing for a welfare objective. This challenge is pivotal in the domains of Economics and Operations Research and has significantly contributed to the evolution of algorithmic techniques and problems within Theoretical Computer Science. Online resource allocation introduces an additional layer of complexity: the requests are not known in advance but arrive sequentially and must be addressed immediately and irrevocably. 

The last few decades have particularly seen several impactful applications of online resource allocation, such as online advertisement, online routing, ridesharing platforms, and online auctions. With this workshop we aim to (i) provide comprehensive tutorial sessions on the fundamental models and seminal results in online resource allocation, equipping attendees with a solid foundation in the field, and (ii), offer a platform for invited speakers to share their latest research findings and insights, highlighting current challenges, recent advancements, and prospective future directions in online resource allocation.

Andrés Cristi,  Center for Mathematical Modeling, Universidad de Chile,
Sahil Singla,  School of Computer Science, Georgia Tech.

The workshop is part of the TheoryFest at STOC'24, and will take place 9am to 11am from Wednesday June 26 to Friday June 28, 2024.

Confirmed invited speakers: Rebecca Reiffenhäuser, Yifeng Teng, Víctor Verdugo, Mahsa Derakhshan, Anupam Gupta, and Balasubramanian Sivan.

Day 1 (Wednesday, June 26)

9.00 am Tutorial 1: Online Resource Allocation with Large Budgets – Sahil Singla.
10.00 am Tutorial 2: Online Combinatorial Allocations and Auctions – Andrés Cristi.

Day 2 (Thursday, June 27)

9.00 am Anupam Gupta
9.40 am Víctor Verdugo
10.20 am Yifeng Teng

Day 3 (Friday, June 28)

9.00 am Rebecca Reiffenhäuser
9.40 am Balasubramanian Sivan
10.20 am Mahsa Derakhshan