Kharkiv Vocational College of Food Industry

VSP "Kharkiv Vocational College of Food Industry (until 2006 theTechnical College of the Dairy Industry) wasestablished by the People's Commissariatforthe Food Industry of the USSR inNovember 1930 (archivereference 1147dated 14.11.1980)

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 The educational process at the college is a imedatful filling the main task of ensuring the general development  of the student, the formation of his intellectual-asthetic, spiritual-creative, moral qualities, as well as his professional development, which involves the use of general and special knowledge to solve narrowly professional problems.


The level of training of specialists is largely influenced by the material and technical and educational and methodological base of the educational institution. The total educational area of ​​the college today is 7,982 m², which includes 40 classrooms, 15 laboratories and workshops. Over the last year, new modern classrooms and laboratories were built, which increased the teaching area by 3,602 m².

The college has appropriate computer equipment with free access to the Internet.  

Every year, about 350 students undergo technological and pre-diploma practice directly at modern enterprises of the food and processing industry of the city of Kharkiv and the Kharkiv region: PJSC "Khladoprom", LLC "Kharkiv Dairy Plant", PJSC "Kharkiv Fat Plant", Corporation "Biscuit - Chocolate", LLC Saltivskyi Bread Factory, Vovchanskyi Meat Processing Plant LLC, Ukrainian-Slovenian Enterprise Kulinichivskyi Bakery Complex, Saltivskyi Meat Processing Plant LLC, Novo-Bavarskyi Bread Plant LLC, Technocom LLC, KAM LLC ", PJSC "Complex Bezlyudivsky meat processing plant", PE "Novozhanivsky meat processing plant" and many others.

Another form of practical training for college students is  international practice in the Republic of Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey, Cyprus, where they have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest production technologies and modern equipment. During internships, students have the opportunity to consolidate theoretical knowledge of domestic and imported equipment maintenance.

Graduate of the college continue their studies at the State Biotechnological University and other high ereducational institutions of the city.


м. Kharkiv, st. Barikadna, 51

+38 057 372 35 22