
In Vanilla ships were too similar for my taste, with the only real difference that played role was the "hull" amount and number of weapon slots, "power gap" between ship sizes felt quite small as well. I wanted more diversity here so tried to separate ship classes and sizes one from another making capital ships survivability and support nature of fighters more prominent. I also wanted to make players to use combined army approach to the combat as in vanilla (in most cases) spam of small fighters was enough to deal with all threats, so I tried to balance ships with specific role in mind. Also, there is no specific overall best ship in the game (like Nemesis in vanilla), every ship has its usage niche and can perform poorly in specific situations. 

Scouts, Interceptors, fighters, heavy fighters each have their own niche, but in general fighters are meant for support of medium and capital ships, best for turret distraction, harassment, hit and run tactics or just effective in swarms. Do NOT expect 10 fighters to kill a destroyer (with some anti-fighter turrets installed at least) easily without appropriate fire support. Torpedo bomber runs can be devastating though.

Corvettes and Gunships - those are damage dealers that require support from fighters to stay alive. Some are more tanky, while others are squishier but with many powerful guns. Gunships also have access to Plasma Bomb that bypasses shields entirely.

Frigates - now L size, fire support or fleet support ships, can be forward-focus damage dealers or light carriers etc. Should mostly be used in fleets with other capital ships. Good for early-game flagship for player as they do not require capital license to obtain.

Destroyers - general all-rounders. Can fight most targets effectively, but die to defense stations or swarms of fighters fast without support.

Battleships - very sturdy with a good array of L turrets for long-range bombardment, best used vs capitals and stations. Can be overwhelmed by fighters.

Summary of changes is below. Stats for all ships are not listed as as those change overtime in the mod due to constant balancing. 

General Ships Changes

Faction focuses

Carrier and Auxilary ships changes

New Ships and Xenon changes


Argons and Antigone

Paranids and Holy Order

Teladi and Ministry

Splits and Free Families

Terrans and Pioneers



Engines and thrusters