no, I don't have my ballot!

Don’t panic.

Follow these steps, get your ballot, and return it today:


Yes I have requested my ballot

  1. Did you request that your ballot be sent by email? If so, check your junk mail - you may find it there. If you do, go back to the "Yes I have my ballot!" page. Click the button below: "Found my ballot in my junk mail".

  1. If you requested to have your ballot sent by postal mail, it may be delayed. While absentee ballots are available for overseas US citizens 45 days before the election, if you requested it by post, it will take longer to reach you. Given postal delays, you should re-request it today asking for email transmission. To do this, submit another Federal Postcard Application through

  2. If you requested your ballot and it is not with you, you should check with your Local Election Official (LEO) that it is on the way. Check out to find your LEO’s contact details. (Go to Step 2 and do a back up ballot).

No I haven't yet requested my ballot

  1. Go to to apply for your ballot today. Deadlines are coming!

  2. Fill out a Federal Postcard Application (FPCA), ask for the ballot by email, and send back the application right away (most states accept an email application).

  3. Follow up with your Local Election Official (LEO) to make sure your ballot request has been received.

  4. Wait a few days. Be sure to check your junk mail as sometimes that is where emailed ballots end up! (While you wait, go to Step 2)

STEP 2: complete your back up Ballot (FWAB) today

Now that it is after mid October, we suggest that you fill in and submit your Back Up Ballot (FWAB) today - this is particularly important for states requiring postal mail return but we recommend the back up ballot for all states now if you don't have your ballot yet.

What is the Back Up Ballot (FWAB)?

The Federal Write In Absentee Ballot or FWAB is designed for overseas voters to use under uncertain circumstances. Submitting a Backup Ballot now will preserve your vote in the event that your state ballot doesn't reach you in time.

For detailed instructions how to use a Backup Ballot, please go here:

To check your state’s requirements for ballot return, please go here:

How do I complete the FWAB?

If your ballot isn't with you by the end of September, you should fill out the Back Up Ballot (FWAB). Click the button below for guidance on completing the FWAB. There is also more information on the website at

STEP 3: spread the word

A lot of your friends may not have their ballots yet either. Spread the word and tell them you've applied for your ballot at and ask them to do the same.

Share on social media

Post on social media that you're returning your ballot. You can also share a post from the Vote from Abroad accounts (Twitter: @vfaglobal; Instagram: votefromabroad, students.votefromabroad; Facebook: @votefromabroad). Tag 5 friends and ask if they have voted too.

Text all your friends

Text 5 friends a day this week to ask if they have applied for their ballot. Here's a sample text:

Yay! I have just sent back my 2020 back up ballot to vote from abroad. Have you voted yet? Please don't delay and share the news! If you haven't voted yet, please go to Many deadlines have not passed yet! Overseas votes already make a difference and will make an even bigger one in 2020, if we all vote.

Once you've Received your ballot or your fwab, return to the "Yes I have my ballot!" page and follow the steps.

bookmark the link below!

Step 4: Questions? Get help!

You can get help at live Zoom sessions 5 days a week: Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. We also have a lot of useful information on the Resources page of this Toolkit. Click the buttons below for details!