Quick Wins

Here is the basic set of activities for all VfA Voting Champions

Do these and well be on our way to breaking records on overseas voter turnout!

Quick win #1

Go to VotefromAbroad.org and apply for your absentee ballot
Once you know how to do it, show a friend!

  1. Go to VotefromAbroad.org today and submit your absentee ballot application – your federal post card application (FPCA)

  2. Check with your local election official within 2 weeks of requesting the FPCA

  3. Look for your ballot from September 19th (check your junk mail if you have requested it by email, as recommended)

  4. Send in your ballot as soon as possible – within a week of receipt or, even better, the same day. If you must return your ballot by postal mail, choose an expedited form of delivery if possible

  5. Check with your local election official within 2 weeks that your ballot has been received

quick win #2

Follow us on our social media accounts and share our content weekly!

quick win #3

Make VotefromAbroad.org visible in all your communications, including your email signature and social media accounts.

Email signature

Just copy the text below and add it to your email signature. Find out how to do this here

Are you ready to vote in 2020?

Living in the USA? Check your status at: www.vote.org

Living overseas? Apply for your ballot at www.votefromabroad.org

Spread the word & follow us on:

Instagram: votefromabroad; students.votefromabroadFacebook: @votefromabroadTwitter: @vfaglobal

Social Media

Make Vote from Abroad visible in your social media account. Add a background, a profile frame, or a link in your bio to Vote from Abroad.

Click here for downloadable options and how to upload to your accounts.