Yes, I have my ballot!

Great! Now what?

Follow these steps and send back your ballot today:

Step 1: Fill out your ballot

Received your ballot by email?

Print it out. Follow the instructions to fill it in. Check out your ballot return options.

Received your ballot by mail?

Follow the instructions to fill it in. Check out your ballot return options.

Step 2: return your completed ballot

Given delays with mail delivery, we highly recommend that you return the completed ballot through an electronic format (either online, by email or fax) if your state allows to ensure the ballot gets back on time. Electronic return is safe and secure.

I can return my ballot electronically

Follow the instructions to return it online by email or fax. (Who has a fax? Not many people - but you can use a Fax app on your phone to send your ballot. Search for "Fax apps for iphone/android cell phones" in your App store). Click button below for more details.

I must return my ballot by postal mail

If you must return the ballot by postal mail, do it ASAP! Mail has been taking longer so you must allow for more time to meet deadlines. These states require the completed ballot to be returned by postal mail: Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey *, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont*, Virginia, Wisconsin (*special conditions apply - check out for details).

If you don't think your ballot will get back on time if you use the mail, you can use an international express mail service. But that is more expensive. Click button below for more details.

Once you submit your ballot, make sure you CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL ELECTION OFFICIAL (LEO) that your BALLOT HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND PROCESSED. Find your LEO's details at

Step 3: spread the word

Now that you've voted, spread the the word! Let everyone know, particularly your American friends who live abroad and encourage them to vote.

Do the #IVotedFromAbroad Challenge

Take a photo of yourself once you've voted. (You could be next to the mailbox or the computer, depending how you return your ballot). Upload the photo to your social media. Tag 5 friends and ask them to post a photo once they have voted too! Make sure to hashtag #IVotedFromAbroad and tag @VotefromAbroad. Click button below for details.

Text your friends: I Voted From Abroad!

Not all of us are social media warriors, but you aren't off the hook for spreading the word! Text/WhatsApp 5 of your US citizen friends/acquaintances and tell them you've voted. Ask them to tell you when they've voted too. Click button below for a sample text to cut and paste.

Better yet, organise a virtual catch-up over coffee with your friends for a "Have you received your ballot?" check-in. Direct your friends to live Voter Help sessions via Zoom for any questions! Click button below for more details.

step 4: Questions? Get Help!

You can get help at live Zoom sessions 5 days per week: Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. We also have a lot of useful information on the Resources page of this Toolkit. Click the buttons below for details!