Vote DeBerry

El Dorado County Supervisor District 3

"I'll make your tax dollars work for you, not special interests!"

The status quo has not worked out well for El Dorado County. It is time for new leadership that is ready to make tough decisions and stand up to special interests.

As Supervisor, I will:

  • Make fixing our roads a top priority and hold the State government accountable for giving us our fair share of SB1 gas tax dollars;
  • Support the pursuit of grants and use of your taxpayer dollars to clear fire breaks in high risk areas, create disaster plans, designate roads for ingress and egress in an emergency, and clear brush away from county roads;
  • Abandon the pursuit of grants for roundabouts and funding for developers of high-density projects, which make us more vulnerable to natural disasters.

Brian’s statement:

We as a county have some very serious decisions to make in the near future regarding El Dorado County’s financial stability. We are not a wealthy county as many would lead you to believe. We have been using loans to finance the “champagne taste on a beer pocketbook.” This needs to stop.

If elected with your support, I pledge to use “Common Sense” and change the way our government has been doing business. The government should be working to serve the public, not the other way around.

For the love of our County I am prepared to make the tough decisions and return this county to a place we can feel safe and secure with pride and hope for the future.

I would feel honored to assist you, the residents of Supervisorial District 3, to work toward this GOAL.

I would appreciate your vote in the upcoming primary election on March 3, 2020.

Thank you,

Brian DeBerry