
Brian pledges to:

Make fixing the County roads a top priority.

Protect our water for our farms and our citizens.

Create and publish evacuation routes that go out with every tax bill.

To use “Common Sense” in making decisions and not be twisted by special interest.

Be easily accessible with his door always open.

In serving the people of his District

Brian is committed to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America as he swore to do upon entry into military service. He has a firm belief in the Bill of Rights, God and Country.

He believes constituents should have easy access to their representatives and promises to keep an OPEN DOOR POLICY.

County resources should be used and protected in the best way for the citizens and not for special interest.

Currently the County has spent over half a billion dollars on pet projects, many that are negatively harming our citizens, while our roads and services suffer. This practice needs to stop!

We need to work with our government neighbors to insure a sustainable and healthy forest in which to benefit our county economically and environmentally now and into the future.